1777 May 1 (Thursday). Publick Fast. Preached a.m. on Hos. 6.6. P.M. on Isa. 5.7. N.B. used some parts of my Exposition on the 8th Commandment. The Lord accept our Penitence and our Prayers — and give His Blessing to the Word delivered! I committed Mr. Goodenow’s Certificat to the Deacons; who advised to the Reading it to the Congregation. Appointed the Communion.
Month: May 1777
May 2, 1777
1777 May 2 (Friday). At 9 a.m. attended the Burial of Mr. Whipple’s Child. N.B. Breck carrys Elias in Mr. B. Newtons Chaise to Cambridge. I met with Mr. Thomas Whitney and urge him to Reconcilement with Mr. B. Fay. Says he is willing to lay it before two men; or to issue [it?] in the Law.
May 3, 1777
1777 May 3 (Saturday). Sorrowfully interrupted by unavoidable worldly Affairs and Business; having no man to do any work for me. James Hicks’s Hands sore that he can’t work. Breck returned from Boston.
May 4, 1777
1777 May 4 (Sunday). Preached on Gal. 5.16 a.m. and 25th p.m. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. The Lord pardon my unpreparedness and add His Blessing to my weak Endeavours. Accepting my renewal Engagements to be His, and His only. At Eve Breck, Suse and Elijah. N.B. Read publicly Sam. Goodenows Recommendation and Request for a Contribution. N.B. a Number of persons gave Thanks for recovering from the Small Pox.
May 5, 1777
1777 May 5 (Monday). Rainy. News of a British Fleet in the Bay. Read part of Secretary Moretons Memorial.
May 6, 1777
1777 May 6 (Tuesday). A Number of Men at Work in Carting out muck, viz. Mr. Nurse with 2 Teams, Thad Warrin and Chamberlain. I went to Squire Bakers to see his Daughter Salley remarkably recovered from the Small Pox and got home. N.B. The squires remarkable Generosity in giving me the Quarter of Beef which I had of him some Months agoe (Oct. 14 last, which weighed 121 lb.), and consents to take 3 young Creatures to pasture this Summer ensuing. He is also very providentially accommodated with an Opportunity to Supply me, which he does, with a Pair of black leather Breeches. Thanks to God for his Favour and Smiles this Day!
May 7, 1777
1777 May 7 (Wednesday). The Scenes Shift: My Principal Hog has languished for some time, in a Consumption, and he has this day (as we suppose) dyed, to our considerable Loss and Disappointment — but was not found.
May 8, 1777
1777 May 8 (Thursday). I rode to Southborough. Dined at Mr. Stone’s. Miss Joanna is recovering. I preached the Lecture on Rev. 14.6.7, which may the Lord bless to me and to the Hearers. Mr. Stone desired my Notes; which therefore I lent him. Called at Mr. Johnsons — and to See old Mr. Gale and his Wife, on Occasion of the Death of their son Henry.[1]
N.B. David Sangor of Framingham came to live and work here.
[1]Not in Westborough or Southborough VR.
May 9, 1777
1777 May 9 (Friday). Though it was a rainy, Stormy time, I rode to See Mrs. Lewis, a Charlestown Woman, who is Sick at Capt. Ben Fay’s. Prayed with her.
May 10, 1777
1777 May 10 (Saturday). A Cold, cloudy Season, unfit for Planting or Sowing.
May 11, 1777
1777 May 11 (Sunday). Preached on the Same Texts as last Sabbath but made large additions to my former Notes, with Special Reference to the present distressing and gloomy Times. N.B. No preaching at Hopkinton. Mr. Samuel Barrett here and dined with us. P.M. on Rom. 8.1, latter part.
May 12, 1777
1777 May 12 (Monday). This Morning I send Six young Cattle to Mr. Baldwins Pasture at Cois Hill at Brookfield, under the Care, for driving, of Benjamin Bowman, and Nathan Champney. Sangor helps part of the way. I visited Deacon Woods Wife, who is in distressing Pain. P.M. Visit Mrs. Lewis at Capt. Fays and prayed with her.
May 13, 1777
1777 May 13 (Tuesday). Sangor went with my Cart and Oxen to Mr. Thomas Whitneys. Brought 400 lb. of Fowl-Meadow Hay. Hannah is much out of Health. Breck, in Mr. Newtons Chaise, goes with her to Marlborough. Return at Eve. Mrs. Priscilla Whipple, her Sister, Mrs. Persis Putnam, visit us. Mr. Bradshaw here, from Boston.
May 14, 1777
1777 May 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Bradshaw goes on his Journey. I visit Mrs. Wood. Was with the Doctors, viz. Darling and Kitteridge, at Breakfast. Deacon Livermore dined here. Went into the Garden p.m. to work a while in the Garden — plant peas, Pepper etc. N.B. James Hicks so lame by Reason of Sore Cracks in his Feet, that he can do very little service for me. Memorandum. We took Dr. Kitteridge’s Advice on Hannahs Case. She rode to the Widow Brigham’s.
May 15, 1777
1777 May 15 (Thursday). Hannah rode as far as Mr. Haskills with Mrs. Meheitabel Fay and her little sister; both of them Invalids. James has a very great Cold. A Training Day to enlist or draw out Soldiers into the Continental Army. The four Brighams of Dartmouth College were here, viz. Moses, Levi, Elijah and Samuel. Mrs. Spring came to see us — dines and lodges here. Mr. Benjamin Fay came to me to speak about his joining with the Church, but I exhort him to go and be reconciled to his Brother. Deacon Wood and serjeant Forbes were here, and expressly approved of my Method, in deferring the Propounding of Mr. Fay and his Wife, till they are reconciled to their Adversary (or at least use some proper means of Reconciliation by committing their Cause to some Wise, indifferent persons to judge and determine).
May 16, 1777
1777 May 16 (Friday). Hannah rides with her Sister Suse to Col. Brighams; and Mrs. P________ makes a Visit with Mrs. Spring to Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Wood. The last is still sick, but is better. Mrs. Spring tarrys there. Messrs. Elijah, and Eli Brigham [came at?] Eve, bringing with them a young Gentleman, of Dartmouth College, Mr. Goodrich. They sup here.
May 17, 1777
1777 May 17 (Saturday). Sangor having dined, went to Framingham. A Training or Military Meeting, on Account of Recruits.
May 18, 1777
1777 May 18 (Sunday). The Contributing to the Relief of Mr. Samuel Goodenow occasioned my preaching on Heb. 13.3, the Same Discourse except a few Alterations which I delivered Mar. 18, 1753, previous to a Contribution for his Father. Gather the Sum of £4.19.[ blot].2 L.M. N.B. Elijah and Eli Brigham, also Mr. Goodrich, dined here: and the two other Brighams, Moses and Samuel, were with us after Meeting and at Evening Exercises of the Family: but then they returned to their respective homes or lodgings. Before which They Sung An Anthem of Charity. My Daughter Hannah droops; yet p.m. She went to Meeting.
May 19, 1777
1777 May 19 (Monday). Reuben Lambson came to me to live with me and work for me. N.B. Mr. Samuel Goodneow was here. I delivered him the Contribution and had his Receipt for it. David Sangor returned from Framingham to fetch his Things and receive his Wages for his Work. Eight Days he worked for me: and I payd him £6 old Tenor. He approved himself so well that I lent him (at his request) Monsieur Jurieu Vol. 1 of the Critical History.[1]
The Town Met to choose Representatives — and elected Capt. Maynard and Mr. Daniel Forbes. To whom may the God of all Grace and Wisdom impart that Counsel and Wisdom which they at this peculiar season need!
[1]Pierre Jurieu (1637-1713), A Critical History of the Doctrines and Worships (both Good and Evil) of the Church of Adam to Our Savior Jesus Christ; giving an Account of the Origin of all the Idolatries of the Ancient Pagans, as far as They Relate to the Jewish Worship (2 vols.; London: J. Taylor; and G. Sawbridge, 1705).
May 20, 1777
1777 May 20 (Tuesday). Hannah a.m. Worse. P.M. rides as far as Capt. Maynards. Mr. Hall of Sutton, going to Concord and Boston, dines with us. At Eve engage Reuben to live with me Six Months; but says he must have 10 Dollars per Month.
May 21, 1777
1777 May 21 (Wednesday). He is very diligent and drives on. But our public state is dark. The British Force is said to be near upon the Coast: and our Three year Soldiers few, hardly obtained — and what have ‘listed are not (many of them) such as one would choose.
May 22, 1777
1777 May 22 (Thursday). Went to Squire Bakers. Consulted the Law Book, and Squire Samuel being there, asked their Opinion on this Case, Whether a Couple designing marriage, and having been legally published, but though no objection arises from any Quarter, yet by various occurrences in Providence their solemn Junction is deferred from one Year to another, Shall they need to be re-published? They both answer that they needed not.
P.M. old Madam and the younger Lady made us a Visit and drank Tea here. Mr. Hall returning from Roxbury (he went not into Boston for fear of the Small Pox) was with us. He heard that General Bourgoyne’s Army and Fleet are within 4 or 5 Days from our Harbour. N.B. read Moretons Memorial.
But what is most remarkable to day is Breck and Sophy set out for Rochester, and carry with them Suky P. Moore. May God grant them a prosperous Journey by His holy Will!
May 23, 1777
1777 May 23 (Friday). Hannah is Still in but a feeble State.
May 24, 1777
1777 May 24 (Saturday). [No entry.]
May 25, 1777
1777 May 25 (Sunday). A.M. on Oppression. Text was Eccl. 4.1, but carryed on the Discourse from Isa. 5.7. P.M. on Micah 7.7.
May 26, 1777
1777 May 26 (Monday). My Son William came up for his Mother to go to Concord. His Wife was brought to bed yesterday morning with another Daughter. Thanks to God! He dines with us, and after 3 his mother not prepared to go, I sat out with him in the Same Chaise, and before the Light was gone arrived at his House.
May 27, 1777
1777 May 27 (Tuesday). Having lodged and dined at my Sons, rode into the town, found my Son Samuel, his Wife, Children and Family in Health. To God be praise and Glory for So multiplyed Favours! Visited Dr. Minot — his little son John very ill of Canker. Went also to my Venerable and Pious Friends, Master Minot and his Wife. Supped and lodged at my Son Samuels.
May 28, 1777
1777 May 28 (Wednesday). Frosty Morn, but a good Day. I did not incline to be at Boston, though it is an important Day, wherein not only Counsellors are to be chosen but a Constitution of Government to be planned. Hear the grand President of the Congress, is arrived at Boston in Pomp. May God grant that the general Assembly may be conducted with Wisdom! My Son Samuel and I rode to Mr. Lawrences at Lincoln, and to my Kinsman Procters: but returned to dinner at Samuels and Spent the Afternoon in Visiting the widows and afflicted. Particularly Mrs. Emerson and her Children — then her Mother Bliss — the Miserable Mr. Isaiah Barrett — at Eve the Minots.
May 29, 1777
1777 May 29 (Thursday). Lodged as last night. My Son waited on me to his Brothers (Williams) Where is one Mr. Samuel Hosmer, belonging that Neighbourhood; who relates Marvels of An Egg at Rev. Mr. Dix’s in Townshend; which the said Hosmer declares he saw, Mr. Ezekiel Miles junior with him: that on the Egg there were the figures 1777 with a number more. Dined with William and p.m. Sat out for home and (only calling at Mr. Thomas Biglows to refresh), I arrived at home Safe before sunset.
May 30, 1777
1777 May 30 (Friday). Breck and Sophy returned from Rochester and dined at home.
May 31, 1777
1777 May 31 (Saturday). Prepared in part — but conclude not to use it tomorrow.