1776 January 8 (Monday). Breck goes to Providence. Mr. May to his school. But Suse tarrys with us. I visited and prayed with Mr. [torn] Hawes. Also Mr. Artemas Bruce’s little Daughter and prayed there. I visited at Mr. Abraham Beemans. Did not dine. Went to Ensign Snows. Ensign and his Wife being gone from home I acquainted Mrs. Breed that I was in need of Eating; upon which she readily dressed some Food. At length the good Folks returned and entertained me with Gladness. In returning home I called to see and Caution George Andrews: and at Mr. Timothy Warrins, his son Timothy being ill at the Camp. N.B. My son William wrote me by one Osmer and inclosed part of his Brother Forbes’s Letter from Gloucester of his Wifes Illness, and fear of her Cancer’s rising again. At eve wrote to Mr. Forbes.