January 31, 1775

1775 January 31 (Tuesday).  I visited old Mrs. Bruce who is ill.  Conversed with her as one hopefully in Christ.  Prayed with her — but I refused to dine there.  I made what haste I could home; but arrived not, being on foot, till my Family had din’d.  Read Mr. Lathrop’s Thanksgiving Sermon,[1] as I have likewise Mr. Webster’s:[2]  both of them very Spirited; and, the former especialy, a very useful Discourse.  I wrote to him, upon it.

[1]Samuel Webster, The Misery and Duty (Boston, 1774).  Evans 13,758.  ???

[2]John Lathrop (1739-1816), A Discourse Preached December 15th 1774 (Boston, 1774).  Evans 13,370.  Possibly 13,371 or 12,829.