1775 January 2 (Monday). Am chiefly reading Dr. I. Mathers seasonable Testimony, of the Authority of Synods or Councils etc.[1] and other such Tracts on Church Government, the Power of Elders, and Privilege of Brethren etc. I saw Mr. Ebenezer Chamblerlin junior who I have heard was dissatifyed with me; and endeavoured to remove his Disgust — but I found he harped (as others do) on my disobliging the Town, by denying to join with them in their Covenant, on July 4. This I find has grievously disaffected them. May God be pleased to direct me to some Expedient for Reconciliation! We had uncommon Trouble to day in breaking a way to the Ministerial Lot. Breck was much fatigued, and went but once with the Team. Asa Ware stayed to cut.
[1]Increase Mather, A Seasonable Testimony to Good Order in the Churches of the Faithful (Boston, 1720). Evans 2149.