January 15, 1770

1770 January 15 (Monday).  John being confined, having taken another Portion of physick, and the Bucket of the Lower Well having dropt in, the Cattle (17 Head) were drove to the ponds in the South Pasture; but it was very icy and Slippery under the Snow, so that the Pied Coww (as She is called), somewhat heavy with Calf, fell in to the water, and her hinder parts were covered.  We were alarmed.  Mr. Edmund Chamberlin helped her out.  The most of the Cattle were afraid to go to drink.  Was obliged to go to Neighbour Arnolds for assistance to get up the Bucket.  John Arnold succeeds in it, and in fastening it on the Pole.  It is with considerable Exertment that my two Boys, this cold Day, get their work done.  Orig. Sacrae.