January 1, 1770

1770 January 1 (Monday).  Such is the Long suffering of God we begin another Year.  I desire to take a grateful Notice of it.  I desire to be Grateful for the Favours granted me hit[h]erto: to be deeply humble for past Offences: to enter into fresh resolutions to Serve and glorifie God my Almighty Author, Preserver and Benefactor: And to Committ and Resign to Him the whole of my Life that remains; all the Events of the Ensuing Year, as it shall Please God to continue me, whether a longer or shorter part of it.  My Son William with us.  Mr. Nurse has brought me from Mrs. Holbrook Four Vols. more of the Morning Exercises.  I have now 7 Vols. but I find that there is One which is a Duplicate, viz. The Cases of Conscience.  Elias begins to learn the Accidence.