1767 March 17 (Tuesday). I awoke early with troubled Thoughts on the Warrin Affair. Early Squire Whipple Stept in here, but did not tarry. I have lent Mrs. Johnson my Mare for her John [Arnold?] to go with a Cart, to Marlborough and Southborough. Carrys 4 Leggs of Pork to Deacon Woods Malt House, for Bacon. I borrowed Mr. Nurse’s Horse, and visit and pray with Mrs. Bradish. Thence to the Warrins. Had Discourse with Timothys Wife — find her very different from what I ever knew her before. Her Husband came home — at first was very angry — at length we came to an Agreement. And I dined there. Master Cushing came in, and I read the Agreement to him. Mr. Warrin assures me I shall find him the same at Even — I may trust him if there be no writing. I returned home, and desire to Committ my Cause to God resting in His Care, protection, Direction and Restraint! At Eve there came Squire Whipple and his Brother Edwards Whipple, and Mr. David Maynard. There came also Mr. Timothy Warrin and his Wife, and Master Cushing — and further, Mr. N. Whitney, Daniel Forbes, Zebulon Rice and Mr. Tainter, Capt. Jonas Brigham and his Brother Levi, Mr. Seth Morse likewise. I acquainted them we had agreed — whereupon Mr. Whitney Seemed Glad, and encouraged to go on, and to finish the Difficulty so. This was of happy Influence — and the Agreement which was writ to Day at Mr. Warrins, was read, and I gave my Consent to it. Mr. Warrin had some [Hammisings?] and Questions — and wanted some alterations in some part of it; but I put him in mind of its being our Agreement — and I was not willing to depart from it. Capt. Brigham, and his Brother and Mr. Tainter, were not fully Satisfyed with it. Mr. Daniel Forbes wanted the word, Wrong Should be put in, along with Mistake — but I made no alteration. At length it was So far closed, that we gave up, and Each of the Papers, viz. the Paper writ by Mr. Cushing, and the Copy I gave Mr. Warrin, were both of them burnt. So that (through divine Goodness) we parted amicably, as I hope. Thus had I deliverance out of this Snare. May God be praised and His Name magnifyed! May I have Grace to be Cautious and Watchful, at all Times henceforward!