March 1, 1767

1767 March 1 (Sunday).  I rode over to Northborough and preached there, a.m. on Joh.  l4.6, p.m. on Rev. 1.7.  Read the Act against Cursing and Swearing.  This was by means of Mr. Tim. Fay, the District Clerk, who came and requested it and brought the Book for that purpose.  But after reading I remarked that the Minister’s Reading should be the Sabbath Succeeding the Choice of Town Officers.  Master Cushing there.  Mr. Martyn preached here a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.8.  N.B. Suse was propounded by Mr. Martyn.  I lodged at Mr. Martyns.

March 2, 1767

1767 March 2 (Monday).  Mr. Michael Martyn published to Miss Zilpa Eager yesterday.  He lent me 10 Months of Mrs. Matilda Wentworths Court Miscellany or Gentlemans and Lady’s Magazine.  I returned home.  Town-Meeting — I prayed with them.  N.B. Mr. Moore having preached yesterday at Shrewsbury came here at night, and is here with us.  Mr. Cushing at Eve, and Sups with us.  Mr. Moore tarrys.  Mr. Daniel Forbes Settles with me so far as respected my Note of Hand with Mrs. Elizabeth How of Marlborough.  He has now paid me two hundred pound.

March 5, 1767

1767 March 5 (Thursday).  I rode to Mr. Joseph Greens and dine there: but my chief Aim is to visit Elizabeth Cutter at Mr. Samuel Fays.  Went, but was a second Time defeated; for She this morning removed to her uncle Hastings’s in Shrewsbury, which though for the Benefit of the Girl, and to Mr. Fays relief, yet he is much disquieted about because She was removed without their giving him notice of.  It Seems they feared he would not have consented, although Necessity, and Mercy to the Girl, force them to take these steps.  Before Night I went down to Mr. Timothy Warrins to give him (which I did) a Copy of his Wife’s Testimony which I read in our Church Meeting last November about Mrs. Andrews etc.  N.B. He was pretty Sanguine, but I endeavoured to mollifie.  He had been with me a.m. to desire the Said Coppy, and Seam’d to be apprehensive of Some Difficulty, I know not what, arising from some Quarter: and said he was going to see about it.  And went away South, when he left me in the forenoon.  From his Door, I rode to Mr. Andrews’s, which was my principal Design, to make a Visit there; she having invited me repeatedly, when I saw her about a fortnight Since, at Mr. Bradish’s.  In this Visit they treated me kindly, and no word was uttered of our Difference.  Mr. Cushing, who lodged there, was present.  Mr. Timothy Warrin came there and asked me to call at his House, in the Name of his Wife, who he said wanted to Speak with me.  I did so; and told her, I was come at her Request; but she said nothing of special note; her Husband was not returned.  So all went over for this Time.

March 6, 1767

1767 March 6 (Friday).  Deacon Tainter came and killed an Hog for me (assisted by Jonas Kenny).  Weighed 221 lb.  Cornet Brigham here, with whom I settle Mrs. Beemans Affair of seven Dollars which she voluntarily lent me.  I have paid him in full thereof, and receive the Memorandum which I gave her of them.  Hear from Day to Day that Mrs. Bradish grows better.  To God be all Glory!  Towards Night the kind Deacon came, as he is wont, to cut out and salt up my Pork; which he with Dexterity and Despatch.

March 8, 1767

1767 March 8 (Sunday).  It was a very Stormy Day — snows fast and winds drive.  Few at meeting a.m., fewer p.m., for p.m. was not one woman in all the Gallerys, nor body of Seats.  Omitted Reading.  Preached on Isa. 48.17.  P.M. on Nahum 1.3 by reason of the Storm.  Deacon Tainter and his Cousin Jonas Hastings dined here.  P.M. read the Act against Cursing and Swearing.  At Eve read Mr. Bolton from p. 294 to page 308.  I was much wearied, and out of Case.  O that I might have Spiritual Revivings and Refreshments!

March 10, 1767

1767 March 10 (Tuesday).  Have Mr. Silas Hill’s Horse to go up to Mr. Phinehas Hardys to see his Daughter in Law, Rachel, who languishes.  After I had din’d, conversed with her.  She seems to be in a good Frame — gives Thanks for Gods distinguishing Goodness to her — for her Birth, Education, the Benefits She had by what I Sometimes dropt in her F’s House, and what She met with at Catechizing etc.  She said, She was Sensible it was not likely She Should live; and She thought sometimes, She had rather Go, than continue here.  She was very thankful for my Visit, desired me to pray with her; which I did; and She desired I would visit her again while she remained.  I called to see old Mrs. Grout — and Moses Brigham, who are confined by their Phthisicks.

March 11, 1767

1767 March 11 (Wednesday).  Expected Mr. Martyn to preach my Lecture but he came not.  I was obliged to preach my Self.  Text Mal. 3.14, former part.  May the Lord confirm and encourage us in waiting upon Him in prayer and in special Ordinances!  Mr. Zechariah Hicks returned and dined here.  After Meeting Mr. Cushing here, and Mr. Batherick came.  The latter apprized me that a Number of Brethren had stopped at the Meeting House, with Mr. Timothy Warrin and his wife — and that they were very uneasy about her Testimony etc.  He asked Mr. Cushing whether she desired him to write it?  etc. etc.  I related how that matter was conducted (namely on the Day of the Church Meeting last Nov. 6).  Dr. Crosby here about Mr. Samuel Fay and his Daughter in Law — but I did not care to meddle in that Affair.  Squire Whipple also here, and Cousin Larkin Williams a[t] Tea with us.  Mr. Cushing at Supper and lodged here.  Much Searching of Heart on Account of the Trouble, so stirring up, respecting Mrs. Warrin.  May the Lord deliver us out of this snare!  I am grieved that it Should be at this Time, to discompose us.

March 12, 1767

1767 March 12 (Thursday).  Mr. Cushing to his School.  Deacon Tainter, as he goes to Boston, comes in and tells me the Brethren that were so disturbed went to Capt. Woods last Eve, and that there is great warmth.  May God Himself guard, direct and fortifie me against Such unreasonable plottings and attempts!  At Evening came Mr. Timothy Warrin greatly concerned about his Wife.  He tells me Mr. Cushing Said in the hearing of Several persons, that his Wife did not ask him to write her Testimony.  I told Mr. Warrin I was afraid that if he did not take heed, he would Spoil (that is distract) his wife.  At which he seemed startled and Said he was doing what he could to the Contrary.  This Evening Jonathan Champney was married to Damaris How.

March 15, 1767

1767 March 15 (Sunday).  Deacon Tainter came to me in my Study, and asked whether considering the Cold Weather, by reason of which he thought there would be few at Meeting, and considering that a number would be like to stay away through Disquietment?  Deacon Bond also not returned from Court, it would not be better to put by the Sacrament?  I answered on the Contrary — that the whole Stream of my preparations flowed that way — my Daughter Suse was to be admitted etc.: besides that the putting by the Sacrament Should be most safely by the vote of the Church.  Here upon he yielded, and we went on.  But by Reason of the Cold omitted the Public Reading.  Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. XIII.12.13.  Admitted Suse — May God accept of her and grant His Grace to so enable her to walk answerably!  Administered the Lords Supper.  Brethren Daniel Forbes, Zebulun Rice, Levi Brigham and Benjamin Tainter, went out.  Mr. Whitney and Capt. Brigham were not at Meeting — tis said these, and perhaps some of their Wives, absented them Selves because of Disgust with me, on the Score of my Controversy with Mr. Warrin and his Wife.  Am heartily Sorry; but they have none of them said a word to me of their Trouble, which is neither kind nor regular.  Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined here.  P.M. on Heb. XIII.13.  May God teach me these Lessons, and prepare me for His holy Will!  In the Eve read Mr. Bolton from p.  307 to 317.  O that God would greatly quicken all of us by those searching Truths to a close Enquiry into our Selves!  I bless God I had some very serious Thoughts of my self.

March 16, 1767

1767 March 16 (Monday).  Town Meeting to build a Work House.  They vote it, and to set it by Mr. Warrins.  Visit Lt. Bakers Child, which remains bad yet, under her Scald.  Mr. Timothy Warrin here, all in Dissatisfaction.  At Eve he is here again to ask me whether I Shall be at home tomorrow Evening and to inform me that a Number of Brethren (if I please) will be here then.  I sent by Dr. Hawes (whose wife makes us a good Visit) to Squire Whipple, Mr. David Maynard and Mr. Gale, to come tomorrow p.m. sun [one?] Hour high.  This affair exercises my Mind.  But I desire to wait the Will of God!

March 17, 1767

1767 March 17 (Tuesday).  I awoke early with troubled Thoughts on the Warrin Affair.  Early Squire Whipple Stept in here, but did not tarry.  I have lent Mrs. Johnson my Mare for her John [Arnold?] to go with a Cart, to Marlborough and Southborough.  Carrys 4 Leggs of Pork to Deacon Woods Malt House, for Bacon.  I borrowed Mr. Nurse’s Horse, and visit and pray with Mrs. Bradish.  Thence to the Warrins.  Had Discourse with Timothys Wife — find her very different from what I ever knew her before.  Her Husband came home — at first was very angry — at length we came to an Agreement.  And I dined there.  Master Cushing came in, and I read the Agreement to him.  Mr. Warrin assures me I shall find him the same at Even — I may trust him if there be no writing.  I returned home, and desire to Committ my Cause to God resting in His Care, protection, Direction and Restraint!  At Eve there came Squire Whipple and his Brother Edwards Whipple, and Mr. David Maynard.  There came also Mr. Timothy Warrin and his Wife, and Master Cushing — and further, Mr. N. Whitney, Daniel Forbes, Zebulon Rice and Mr. Tainter, Capt. Jonas Brigham and his Brother Levi, Mr. Seth Morse likewise.  I acquainted them we had agreed — whereupon Mr. Whitney Seemed Glad, and encouraged to go on, and to finish the Difficulty so.  This was of happy Influence — and the Agreement which was writ to Day at Mr. Warrins, was read, and I gave my Consent to it.  Mr. Warrin had some [Hammisings?] and Questions — and wanted some alterations in some part of it; but I put him in mind of its being our Agreement — and I was not willing to depart from it.  Capt. Brigham, and his Brother and Mr. Tainter, were not fully Satisfyed with it.  Mr. Daniel Forbes wanted the word, Wrong Should be put in, along with Mistake — but I made no alteration.  At length it was So far closed, that we gave up, and Each of the Papers, viz. the Paper writ by Mr. Cushing, and the Copy I gave Mr. Warrin, were both of them burnt.  So that (through divine Goodness) we parted amicably, as I hope.  Thus had I deliverance out of this Snare.  May God be praised and His Name magnifyed!  May I have Grace to be Cautious and Watchful, at all Times henceforward!

March 18, 1767

1767 March 18 (Wednesday).  Visit at old Mr. James Maynards on account of his Daughter Lock’s sickness at Sudbury; but Mr. Maynard was not at home.  N.B. I called at the Mill and at Squire’s as I went.  Rode to Mr. Temple’s and dined there.  Thence to Mr. Gleasons — but my chief Design was to visit Mr. Joseph Knowlton, who is very low — was [Waiting?] to pray with him, and did so.  Would fain see Betty Cutter who had had such a Terrible disorder — but she passed by without my Knowlege.  And though I called at her Fathers when I returned back at Eve, and would gladly have seen her — but She was gone out.  This is the 4th Time that I have tryed to see her, but not succeeded.  I visited Deacon Miles and his wife.  Prayed with them.  Went to the Widow Miles’s.  Found her still in Trouble.  Called at Dr. Crosbys when I came back.

March 19, 1767

1767 March 19 (Thursday).  Reuben Pratt works for me, swingling Flax.  I confine my self as much as I can to study, self Reflexion, and observing the Providences of God especially among us of late — etc. etc.  May the Lord be with me to teach me His holy will!  Support me under such dark Dispensations!  And prepare me for what may yet be in the womb of Providence which may be for my Tryal.  At Eve was at Mr. N. Maynards who paid me Cash £50.7.6 and in Notes £40.15.9 — in both £91.3.3 old Tenor.

March 22, 1767

1767 March 22 (Sunday).  Read Isa. 49.  Preached chiefly on v. 4.  P.M. read Joh. 14.  Preached on Joh. 4.24, first Clause, and used Catechetical Exercise on the Nature of God, viz. from p. 39 to 46.  Widow Bellows and Widow Thurston dined here.  At Eve read in Mr. Bolton from p. 326 to 336.  N.B. I read from p. 317, by my Self.  May God bless all these Exercises, for our Saving Good!

March 23, 1767

1767 March 23 (Monday).  My Wife rides with me to visit Miss Belknap who is Sick and I prayed there.  We called at Mr. Bradish’s.  N.B. His Father in Law Mr. Moreton, ill there.  Called at Mr. Seth Woods’s and at Mr. Bellows and Ebenezer Chamb.  But we dined at old Mr. Chamberlins.  N.B. Mr. Bellows, when we were taking Leave, broke out bitterly, thus, “If you would not forbid our going to hear that precious Minister” — meaning Mr. Cleaveland.  I Answered that if he was ever so worthy in preaching yet if he walked disorderly, we could not encourage the going to hear him.

March 26, 1767

1767 March 26 (Thursday).  Dr. Haws visits John and he takes Physic, which works but once upward but many times downward.  I Catechized Children.  51 Boys, 29 Girls.  May God succeed what I have said to them.  Deacon Tainter very bad.  I visited, and prayed with him.  He tells me that Mr. D. Forb. and Mr. Z. Rice were at their House last night, and very full of Disquietment etc.  And that his son was with them in it.  Mr. Temple met me, and wants me to go to his House to Baptize his new-born Infant.  But I was promised to others.  Mr. Edmund Rice had come at Noon on the like Errand — but I was otherwise engaged.  At Eve I marryed Timothy Warrin junior to Thankful How.  Mr. Richard Martyn brought home his Wife, as I hear.

March 27, 1767

1767 March 27 (Friday).  Mr. Brewer comes for me to go to Mr. Temple’s.  They desire baptism for their Child.  A Number of people were gathered.  I proposed it to them.  They consented and advised to it.  We prayed but the Child Expired.  The Doctor (Ball) declaring it to be dead, I desisted from Baptizing, but we prayed again.  And having offered a few words in Exhortation I returned home.

March 28, 1767

1767 March 28 (Saturday).  I am obliged again to forsake my study and go to the Burying of Mr. Temple’s Child.  N.B. After the Burial, Mr. Temple’s Brother Br[ewer?] rode my mare to Mr. Temple’s to be kept there awhile.  I have attempted something of Sermonizing; but by reason of many other Employments this Week, could not accomplish my Purpose.  I have visited, preached, catechized etc. every Day this Week.

March 29, 1767

1767 March 29 (Sunday).  Read Isa. 50.  Preached on the divine Attributes from Job 36.26.  Used Catechetical Exercise from p. 46 to 52.  Deacon Tainter remains bad.  His son Simon dines here.  P.M. read Joh. 15.  Preached on Isa. 49.8, using the Close of sermon on 2 Cor. 6.2, viz. from p. 23 to p. 30.  Before Night Mr. Benjamin Tainter brings a sorrowful Letter from Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury, dated at Westminster, informing that his Daughter Rice dyed this Morning about 7 o’Clock, is to be buryed tomorrow at 11 and that my presence there is much needed.  ‘Tis very Shocking to us!  The Lord Sanctifie it to the bereaved Husband, Parents, etc.!  I wrote to Mr. Morse in the Evening of the impossibility of my being there etc.

March 30, 1767

1767 March 30 (Monday).  In the Morning wrote to Mr. Rice of Westminster and attended the Burial of Mr. Beetons Infant.  P.M. rode to see Deacon Tainter who remains bad yet.  Was desired to carry the Agreement between the Deacon and his son Benjamin.  I assisted them in some of the Reckonings and Accounts.  The Deacon Committs his Bond and mortgage to me to keep.

March 31, 1767

1767 March 31 (Tuesday).  Visit Lt. Bakers Child.  At Mr. Nurse’s.  John is so much better that he goes to Mill (to Mr. Whipple’s).  P.M. Visit Mr. Moreton who lies ill at Mr. Timothy Warrins.  When I got there, They were going to see their Father Tainter who tis thought is near his End.  At Eve Mr. Andrews comes to me at my Fence and Demands Satisfaction for what I said at his House when Mr. Cleaveland was there as if he did not live peaceably etc.: and for my Reading a Paper about his wife at Church Meeting.