1764 August 7 (Tuesday). In the Morning I rode down to Mr. Moses Parkers to get him to come to work for me. Visit Mr. Chamberlin who is ill. Visit Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Wife who fell from her Horse on Lord’s Day and broke her Collar Bone. N.B. her peculiar Circumstances rendered the Fall very perillous. N.B. Miss Sally Putnam making a Gown for Suse, which she lately bought the Chints for at Boston. P.M. though very rainy I rode to Ensign Millers, where the Private Meeting is appointed to be, and preached there on James 5.9, which God bless to all of us! That we may be ready for the Coming of the Lord. Call’d at Mr. Adonijah Rice’s, at his Wife’s Request. Breck 2 Load, though one Wet.