November 9, 1757

1757 November 9 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring had a bad Night — in great pain — had not his Cloths off all night: yet he is reckoned to be in the main, better than he was Some Days agoe.  He was in a very Spiritual and heavenly Frame.  He desired that all those Things which had Occurred in Time past might be wholly over.  I rode to Capt. [Davids?] and he being one of the Members of the Council, took him with me.  Our Meeting was at Mrs. Jones’s; Widow of the late Mr. Ephraim Jones.  In the Council there were several messengers presented themselves who were not at the former session.  Two or three that had been chosen by the Churches they belonged to but were prevented coming: but Deacon Bond who was chose by our Church instead of Brother Nathaniel Whitney, was the only one, who was of that sort (of being not only not of the former Session, but chose de novo) and, to my Sorrow, he was, by vote of Council excluded, and he returned home.  The Council received a Letter from Mr. Rogers, briefly Shewing that he was willing to join with his Brethren in calling a Mutual Council.  It was much debated whether he Should be gratifyed or not?  I was fully perswaded it might be for the best, and therefore voted for it; and there were 4 more of my mind; but the rest voted otherwise.  Yet in the General there was a good Harmony in the Council.  I lodged at Mrs. Jones’s.