1757 November 1 (Tuesday). Our Preparing to sow has been too long delayed. With difficulty got ready to plough to Day. Having Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Steers, set my boys to work with them and my own Mare to Splitting Hills; but they were unable without my own Assistance a.m. Had Enoch Rice to help p.m. N.B. Mr. Oliver Hayward, a Cripple, from Mendon here. Old Coll. William Ward here also: his Conversation grave and Spiritual. As to the poor Cripple, May God preserve my wife in her pregnancy, from all hurtful Impressions but especially give me and mine the grace of true Gratitude for our Limbs and help us in a right manner to improve them to the divine Glory; and grant all temporal and Spiritual Blessings to the poor man and his Family! Especially to those of his Children who are (4 of them) in like unhappy Condition with himself!