October 2, 1757

1757 October 2 (Sunday).  Read 1 Chron. 11.  Preached on Prov. 13.21.  Used some further parts of Sermon on Isa. 33.14, viz. p. 26 (which was used only in the former part of the page and but glances of the rest), part of page 36, then to page 40.  P.M. read Luk. 4 and preached the first Sermon which is writ on Prov. 13.21.  N.B. Old Mr. Maynard dyed at Eve.  I went to him and Prayed with him just before he departed — Aetatis 88.

October 3, 1757

Written from a rough paper of hints [i.e., October 3-9].


1757 October 3 (Monday).  Sett out late for Brookfield.  Called at Capt. Stearns’s at Worcester, and at Mr. Robarts’s at Leicester.  Mr. Nathaniel Harrington of Weston my Company great part of the Journey.  Arrived at my Son Baldwins at Eve.  Lodged at my son Forbush’s.

October 4, 1757

1757 October 4 (Tuesday).  Happy among my Children who (through divine Favour) are generally comfortable.  Dined at my son Baldwins.  P.M. went with my son Ebenezer and Forb. to take some View of the Farm of the late Mr. Jonathan Gilbert.  Capt. Witt and Dr. Gott had been to see me a.m.: but [missing?] of me I went to them at Eve.  Lodged at Mr. Forb.

October 5, 1757

1757 October 5 (Wednesday).  Mr. Forb. and I rode up to Ware River to Mr. Lulls: dining at Deacon Cutlers as we went.  Mr. Lull signed another Deed of the 62 and the 35 Acre Lotts in Townshend, but would not come to a Composition of our Affairs, as I endeavoured, though I made him large offers.  At Eve we supped at Deacon Cutlers — and Esq. Ayres with us, whom I had obtained to ride up to Deacon Cutlers in hopes to have had need of him to take the Acknowledgement of another Deed from Lull but I could not perswade Lull to go there.  N.B. the Esq. asked nothing for his pains.

October 6, 1757

1757 October 6 (Thursday).  I went again into the Gilbert Affair — dined at my son Ebenezers.  N.B. My Children at Each Family dined with me both yesterday and to Day (except Billy).  P.M. preached a Lecture there, on Ps. 119.126.  After Lecture at Baldw. with Lt. Thomas Gilbert, there, about his Brothers place.  N.B. Mr. Kendal from Suffield, and Mrs. Bowker, heretofore Sarah Tainter, lodged at Mr. Forb. last night.

October 7, 1757

1757 October 7 (Friday).  At Mr. Forb. (where I have lodged every night) and at Ebenezers where we prepare some Agreements about the Gilbert Place and include Thomas Hardy likewise.  My Daughter Baldwin indisposed and dejected.  It was 11 a.m. before I took leave.  Mr. Forb. rides with me as far as Capt. Wolcotts that we may have some discourse with him, the Grand Juror, about the School (which Ebenezer has undertaken to keep).  Capt. Wolcott proposes to accompany me on my Journey to the lower part of Worcester, but does not overtake me, till I had dined at Mr. Eatons in Spencer.  I heedlessly overshot Mr. Roberts at Leicester.  Mr. Maccarty not at Home.  We were invited in by Coll. Chandler; where we drank Tea and hastened on our Journey.  Lodged at Mr. Cushings.

October 9, 1757

1757 October 9  (Sunday).  I was not able to prepare for to Days Exercises by reason of my unavoidable Journeys last Week, and the Circumstances of Yesterday.  Read 1 Chron. 12.  Preached on Heb. 13.20.  That Clause — “that brought again from the Dead our Lord Jesus” — and administered the Lords Supper.  Mrs. Tainter and her Daughters Forbush and Bowker and her sister Harrington dined here.  P.M. repeated sermon on Gen. 25.8 on Occasion of the Death of old Mr. David Maynard who was buryed on Tuesday last, Mr. Martyn praying with the people at the Funeral.  N.B. Old Mr. Kelly was buryed on Monday the 3 instant but without a minister.

October 11, 1757

1757 October 11 (Tuesday).  Went to the Association at Mr. Martyns — few there — and lodged there.  Mr. Cushing, Stone, Morse and Davis all that came.  Mr. Morse has troubles with his people about his sallery.  Mr. Davis has a fit.  The last tells me my Cousen Betty Parkman is come up in her Fathers Chair with Mrs. Allen (Captain’s Wife, of Shrewsbury).

October 12, 1757

1757 October 12 (Wednesday).  Mr. Davis preached on 1 Cor. 15 ult.  My Wife came over with Cousen Betty Parkman and dined at Mr. Martyns.  When we returned home, Mrs. Allen was come from Shrewsbury and Mrs. Baldwin of that Neighbourhood with her.  I visited Old Mrs. Maynard again, who grows worse.  I doubt of her Life — yet she is herself full of Hopes.

October 14, 1757

1757 October 14 (Friday).  She has my Mare to go to Boston and leaves her Fathers Horse.  My son Thomas goes with his Her [sic] as far as Coll. Williams at Marlborough where Mrs. Allen was to meet her to proceed on their Journey down.  I made another Visit to Old Mrs. Maynard and I dealt somewhat plainly with her, She being somewhat better for Conversation than when I saw her last: but yet in a low Condition.  May God pardon my Defects and bless and prosper my weak Endeavours.  Sat out late in the Afternoon upon my Brothers Horse, for Cumberland.  Stopt at LeBlanc’s and gave Ammon 2 Dollars: called at Deacon Bradish’s in Upton and took him with me to go to Mr. Fish, where I lodged.

October 17, 1757

1757 October 17 (Monday).  Bright morn.  Deacon and I, accompanyed by Mr. Weld some Miles, rode to Wrentham.  Visit Mr. Bean, but especially my old Friend Mrs. Messenger.  Dined in Wrentham precinct with Mr. John Carns (who preaches there) at the House of Deacon Thurston.  Called at Mr. Frost’s at Mill River: and in the Evening at Mr. Stephen Sadlers in Upton.  Arrived at home much worryed and spent.  Yet was in Bed but a little while before I was called up again to go to Old Mrs. Maynard who was dying — and expired before I got there.  Prayed there; and it being near midnight and indisposed, I lodged there also.  N.B. my Wife took physic — 6 Lockyers Pills — which work much upon her.  N.B. Rev. David Turner of Palmers River, lately dead.

October 19, 1757

1757 October 19 (Wednesday).  Mr. Moses Twitchel came to burn up Bushes, which Should ha’ been done last Year, but he proves not well.  Thomas goes to Boston.  Rides his Uncle’s Horse.  P.M. I visit Hutchins (a transient young Man) who is dropsical: and bleeds at the Nose — and in a hazzardous Condition.  As I was returning from him, Mr. Thomas Stearns of Lunenbourg, but of the Church of Leominster Met Me, Deacon Gardner Wilder of the Same, being at my House also, to take Some Advice.  I chiefly advised them to wait upon Mr. Rogers when the Time Set by the Council was out, and Shew him all hearty Respect; and not to be hasty in applying to the Moderator for the Council to meet together again — but to do everything which might prevent Such imputations as there were before, of Suddenness and rashness.

October 20, 1757

1757 October 20 (Thursday).  I attended the Funeral of Old Mrs. Hephzibah Maynard.  She was 70 Years old last January — a woman of remarkable Diligence and Skill in Family Affairs; and very compassionate and bountifull to the Poor; a Very Serviceable person in the Neighbourhood, and gave ready Assistance to all who Sought to her.  She was in a peculiar Manner liberal and helpful to Me and Mine at all times.  She was also very Steddy and Constant in Attending the Publick worship and Ordinances.  And She told me She hoped She was in Christ: but it does not appear to me that She expected to dye by this Sickness; for though her illness increased upon her from time to time yet she cherished Hopes She Should get over it.  I wish I might learn to live, that I may be in continual readiness to dye — that I may be Willing, and look for it!  And might I be so sensible of the drying up of Streams, that my Dependence may be more on, and my Recourse to the Glorious and inexhaustible Fountain!

October 26, 1757

1757 October 26 (Wednesday).  The Morning bright, our Kinsman etc. leave us.  I preached at the North precinct Lecture on Jer. 50.7.  N.B. but about 19 or 20 Men at Meeting.  Returned at Evening but as I returned visited Old Mrs. How, who is in a low and languishing Condition: I fear She’ll not go abroad again.  N.B. sent several Letters to Brookfield by Thomas Hardy.

October 30, 1757

1757 October 30 (Sunday).  Read 1 Chron. 14.  Preached on Ruth 3.11 and Spent what time I had on this, neither could I finish the Subject.  P.M. read Luk. 7 and delivered an Exposition of v. 31 to 35, which was before delivered on Mat. 11.16 — except that now there were here and there Sundry additions, Alterations to the present Times.  N.B. Mrs. Dunlop and her sister Kelly dined here.

October 31, 1757

1757 October 31 (Monday).  A.M. I visited Mr. Eliezer Rice and Family most of ‘em being Sick of the fever and ague, and have been much afflicted with it.  N.B. her Brother Samuel Bootman of Sutton dyed on Saturday last.  This man has lived at least Two Years to the Astonishment of all that Saw him; having So languished and grown rotten by a Sore he was exercised by.  This Precinct met together to See whether they would make some Addition to my Sallery for this Year; and to see what they would do about my Wood.  As to the former (as the Clerk Mr. Phinehas Hardy informed me) they made it 500£ old Tenor including my Wood: And would do nothing as to providing anybody to get it, as they did last year.  At Eve Mr. Tim. Warrin here and undertook to provide my Wood for 35£ old Tenor.  N.B. Deacon Tainter, and Mr. Jonas Twitchell were here and heard what was agreed to: as did Capt. Wood also.  N.B. his Discourse before Capt. Wood came in, of the Disquietments Some people were in about me and particularly my preaching yesterday forenoon: principally that my own Family were culpable.  May God grant me the Grace to deal impartially; and carefully reform what is amiss among us!  I beg I and Mine may be an Example to the Flock!  And May we make a fit use of the unreasonable Murmurings of those who make groundless Exceptions!  I desire particularly to pray for Such: God grant me an Heart to do this to divine Acceptance!  N.B. Mr. Ezekiel Leonard of Southborough dyed Suddenly.  What an Awful Warning to all Survivers.