1757 November 1 (Tuesday). Our Preparing to sow has been too long delayed. With difficulty got ready to plough to Day. Having Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Steers, set my boys to work with them and my own Mare to Splitting Hills; but they were unable without my own Assistance a.m. Had Enoch Rice to help p.m. N.B. Mr. Oliver Hayward, a Cripple, from Mendon here. Old Coll. William Ward here also: his Conversation grave and Spiritual. As to the poor Cripple, May God preserve my wife in her pregnancy, from all hurtful Impressions but especially give me and mine the grace of true Gratitude for our Limbs and help us in a right manner to improve them to the divine Glory; and grant all temporal and Spiritual Blessings to the poor man and his Family! Especially to those of his Children who are (4 of them) in like unhappy Condition with himself!
Month: November 1757
November 2, 1757
1757 November 2 (Wednesday). Made a Visit to my Neighbour Hammond, and discoursed with both Him and Her, especially with her: and discovered the Reasons of my Difficulty about her coming to the Communion. See July 16 and 17. All this Time I have been distressed in my Mind about her; not merely by reason of what I saw then, but Since. What She says to me at this time, together with a recommendation from Rev. Woodward of Weston has given me such a Measure of Relief as that I told her she might come the next Communion. At Eve Mr. Timothy Warrin brought the first Load of Wood, of his Engagement for this year.
November 3, 1757
1757 November 3 (Thursday). Mr. Stephen Buss of Leominster, here, to bear a Message from Venerable Mr. Loring, Moderator that the Council is to meet at Concord on the 9th Instant. Capt. Wood accompanyed me to Hopkinton Lecture. We dined at Mr. Barretts. I preached on Isa. 7.14. N.B. Exceeding few at Meeting. Returned home at Evening and brought Hamiltons Voiages to the East Indies, to read.
November 4, 1757
1757 November 4 (Friday). Mr. James Fay and his Wife make me a Visit, and dine with me. I was glad to see them but it was an inexpressible Trouble to me to be interrupted in my studys to Day having met with so much hindrance every Day of the Week hitherto. My Wife Still very lame. N.B. Nathan Kenny worked here — ploughed — had a Yoke of Deacon Bonds Cattle. At Night came in a stranger who thought it was a Tavern and ordered his Horse to be put out. It was Mr. Caleb Trowbridge junior son of Mr. Trowbridge of Groton. He lodged here. This also was a sad, unavoidable Detriment to my Studys. O that God would remember me in His Great Mercy!
November 5, 1757
1757 November 5 (Saturday). Mr. Trowbridge left us early in the Morning. Alex ploughed p.m. with a Yoke of Capt. Woods Oxen. Mr. Jonah Warrin a Load of Wood, and his Cousen Timothy: one. Coll. William Ward came here p.m. Esq. Baker, LeBlanc and his sons and Daughters return from Lynn.
November 6, 1757
1757 November 6 (Sunday). Read 1 Chron. 15. I have prepared and finished a sermon on Prov. 31.30. But for several Reasons judged it better to defer delivering it. There were divers strangers; and Several of the people had been in a ruffle about my preaching the last Sermon to women; therefore I waved it for the present; and repeated part of Exposition of the 3d Commandment. Coll. Ward dined with us. So did Mr. Ezekiel Upham of Sturbridge. P.M. I read Luk. 8. Repeated 2 Expositions on Mat. 9.18-26, with Some Omissions and Alterations. Stayed the Church. See Church-Records. At Eve I read over and corrected my Discourse in the press on Ezek. 22.30.
November 7, 1757
1757 November 7 (Monday). So cold we neither plough, nor can get Oxen if we could plow. I write to Mr. Kneeland. Went to t’other House. Mr. Batheric and I divide the Indian Corn, and the English Hay in the West Bay. N.B. Nathan Kenny thrashed Rye for me.
November 8, 1757
1757 November 8 (Tuesday). Nathan Kenny winnowed Rye. Mr. Asaph Rice here p.m. I rode (on Mr. Benjamin Tainter’s Mare) to Sudbury, in my way to the Leominster Council, 2d session at Concord. Venerable Loring ill with nephistick Pains. I visited him, and it was much to our mutual Refreshing. I lodged there.
November 9, 1757
1757 November 9 (Wednesday). Mr. Loring had a bad Night — in great pain — had not his Cloths off all night: yet he is reckoned to be in the main, better than he was Some Days agoe. He was in a very Spiritual and heavenly Frame. He desired that all those Things which had Occurred in Time past might be wholly over. I rode to Capt. [Davids?] and he being one of the Members of the Council, took him with me. Our Meeting was at Mrs. Jones’s; Widow of the late Mr. Ephraim Jones. In the Council there were several messengers presented themselves who were not at the former session. Two or three that had been chosen by the Churches they belonged to but were prevented coming: but Deacon Bond who was chose by our Church instead of Brother Nathaniel Whitney, was the only one, who was of that sort (of being not only not of the former Session, but chose de novo) and, to my Sorrow, he was, by vote of Council excluded, and he returned home. The Council received a Letter from Mr. Rogers, briefly Shewing that he was willing to join with his Brethren in calling a Mutual Council. It was much debated whether he Should be gratifyed or not? I was fully perswaded it might be for the best, and therefore voted for it; and there were 4 more of my mind; but the rest voted otherwise. Yet in the General there was a good Harmony in the Council. I lodged at Mrs. Jones’s.
November 10, 1757
1757 November 10 (Thursday). With close application to our Business we dispatched it and came to a Result. Those that compiled it were the following Committee: The Moderator Mr. Pemberton and I. We finished it and published it this Evening. And there was so remarkable an unanimity that Every one, without Exception Signed it. Blessed be God for this Token of the divine Favour! I lodged at Esq. Whitings: and Mr. Bridge of Chelmsford with me.
November 11, 1757
1757 November 11 (Friday). I made a few Visits — to Master Minot, the Doctor and Mr. Bliss. Transcribed a Copy of the Result for the Brethren. Mr. Harrington (the other scribe) undertaking to write one for Rev. Mr. Rogers. Coll. Timothy Brigham brought up from Boston a Number of my Books. I had 10 of them and presented 9 of them to the following persons, viz. to Rev. Mr. Wigglesworth, Clark, Chipman, Pemberton, Bucknam and Dunbar; and to Major Hartwell, Deacon Greenough and to Mr. Oliver Carter. Having dined at Mrs. Jones’s, I rode to Southborough, being accompanyed by old Coll. Ward and Coll. Brigham. And thus this remarkable session of the Council finished. May God have the Glory! And may God give Success! I visited Mr. Stone, but (Mrs. Stone looking every Hour) lodged at Coll. Brighams.
November 12, 1757
1757 November 12 (Saturday). I returned Home. Found my Family in Peace. D.G.! Undertook to compose a Sermon on 2 Cor. 2.17.
November 13, 1757
1757 November 13 (Sunday). Read 1 Chron. 16. Preached on Prov. 31.30. Mrs. Steward and Mrs. Dolly Rice dined with me. P.M. Read Luk. 9 to 27 v. Preached on 2 Cor. 2.17. After sermons read the Proclamation for the Thanksgiving: and appointed the Communion. Stayed the Church and read to them the Result of the late Council on the Affairs of Leominster.
November 14, 1757
1757 November 14 (Monday). Fine Weather Still. Adam Rice p.m. with their Oxen gets out half a Dozen Load of muck. At Eve made a Visit to Capt. Woods, his Wife’s Leg growing Worse again. Deacon Kimbal there plaistering his rooms.
November 15, 1757
1757 November 15 (Tuesday). Adam works for me; with Barny Newtons Oxen — ploughs; and Sows a little Rye. N.B. Wrote to Mr. Pemberton at Boston per Mr. Ball of Grafton. Admirable fine Weather. My Wife rode in the Chair to See Mrs. Rolf who is o’ Bed. At Eve Billy came from Brookfield. He brought a Letter from Ebenezer of his Willingness and Desire to buy the Gilbert place, and that he would have me provide 200£ for a first payment.
November 16, 1757
1757 November 16 (Wednesday). We are still in great Straits for Want of Water: our Well is yet so low that we can’t dip a pail-full without going down into it. Monsieur Jacques Morris and his Wife, Neutral French, who live at Leicester came to See me, dined with me, and tarried till near Evening. My Son William goes agunning and brings in 7 Squirrells. Mr. Samuel Hardy here, and Sits down at Supper with us. My mind and Heart much engaged and employed in my Preparations for tomorrow, notwithstanding the many Interruptions and Obstructions I meet with.
November 17, 1757
1757 November 17 (Thursday). Public Thanksgiving. I preached on 1 Chron. Rain a.m. Therefore though I invited Monsieur LeBlanc and his Wife, they did not come. Peter dined with me. And Seeing it cleared away p.m., I Sent again for his Father and Mother; who came and Supped here. In the Eve Mr. Francis Whipple and his Wife came to see us; which would have been very acceptable to me, but that it was a means (together with the French people’s being here) of the Delay of our Evening Exercise to an unfit Lateness.
November 18, 1757
1757 November 18 (Friday). Rainy Day, therefore no Sowing my Rye as was designed. Thomas goes to Worcester on the probation of Old Mr. Maynards Will. Deacon Bond dined with us.
November 19, 1757
1757 November 19 (Saturday). Mr. Eleazar Whitney, and Joseph Harrington, likewise Peter Blanc from Mr. Benjamin Tainter, came with each of them a Yoke of Oxen and a plough, and sowed and ploughed in 3 Bushell of Rye for me. They dined here; and got done very Seasonably before Night. A great Kindness to me. Billy returned to Brookfield. Charles Rice junior went up also. We have the Sorrowfull News of the Death of Amos Whitney (Son of Mr. Nathaniel Whitney) at Fort Edward. N.B. Capt. Curtis of Worcester here — reads me Mr. Mellens Acknowledgment Made to Him.
November 20, 1757
1757 November 20 (Sunday). In the Night and Morning, my Heart was very heavy — a very great Engagement of thought upon my Subject, which I was not able to finish, yet enough was prepared for the Season of the Communion. It was impossible for me, with my interruptions and avocations the last two Days on which I had great Dependence, to prepare for both parts of the Day. Read 1 Chron. 17. Preached on Luk. 23.33, that clause “and they crucifyed Him.” Administered the Lord’s Supper. N.B. Mrs. Hammond was mentioned to the Church, and attended. Deacon Tainter dined with me. P.M. omitted the Reading. Repeated part of Sermon 1 on Jer. 5.20-25-29. It was So rainy after Sermon that Old Mrs. Woods (widow) tarryed with us and lodged here.
November 21, 1757
1757 November 21 (Monday). Bright, but cool. Catechized at the Meeting House both a. and p.m. Mr. Asaph Rice here. Tells me he is going to look out a place to settle in, in the Practice of Physick. Thinks of Braintree. Transcribe part of the Genealogy of our Family.
November 22, 1757
1757 November 22 (Tuesday). Thomas, and a Number more, ride to Brookfield to Ordination. I visit old Mr. Samuel Fay. N.B. Mrs. Miller was at my House; Seems to be a Woman of much Sorrow — very much on Account of her Children. I visited Capt. Woods Wife whose Leg is sore again and confines her from public Worship.
November 23, 1757
1757 November 23 (Wednesday). The Day for the Ordination of Mr. Joseph Parsons junior at Brookfield 1st Church. Monsieur Joseph Robishow and his Wife came to see us; and dined here. As did Mrs. Allan from Shrewsbury and her son William but they all left us so Soon in p.m. that I rode down to See Mr. Jacob Garfield and his Wife. He was not at home; but after a Brief Admonition to his Wife — I went to Mr. Joslins, who had been confined with Fever and Ague, but grows better. However my Errand to him, as was very much the Reason of my riding abroad Yesterday, was to borrow money; my Collector Forbush not Supplying me though I am reduced to great and uncomfortable Straits for want of it: And try from one to another to borrow — without Success — til Eliza Phillips in part, and Mr. Joslin more fully, answers for my Present Occasion. In Returning at Eve, visit old Mr. Bradish, and Mrs. Rolf. Council at Narraganset No. 2. 12 Churches. Transcribe a Result for Deacon Greenough at Boston.
November 24, 1757
1757 November 24 (Thursday). Fresh interruptions and Avocations by the Coming of Mr. Nathaniel Colbourn and Mr. Thomas Legget from Leominster with a Letter from Mr. John Rogers requesting Copys of what his opposing Brethren who called the late Council, had brought in against him. I could not answer this Request. If I would lend the Papers they would enter into Bonds of whatever Penalty to return them in safety but I could not comply — unless they would go only to Hopkinton and copy them this Evening So as to return ‘em tomorrow. This they engaged — and having taken an Account of what they were which they desired; They (having dined with me) left me for Hopkinton.
November 25, 1757
1757 November 25 (Friday). Snow Storm. Messrs. Colbourn and Legget here again — dined with us –returned the papers I lent them yesterday, all of them safely. And the Copys which they have taken, being to be attested by me, I gave my self (though Friday) to Supervising and correcting them. This was a great Trouble to me at this Time when I have met with So much hindrance in my Studies through every Day of the week. N.B. I wrote out the paper containing Names of the Church and Congregation etc., and with this there were 10, which were compared and attested by me. They tell me a great Council of upward of 20 Churches is Sent for, to come next week.
November 26, 1757
1757 November 26 (Saturday). Thomas does not come from Brookfield. We are Straitened for Wood till about Sunsetting when Mr. Warrin himself came with a Load. N.B. Mr. Pitts of Bellingham Founder, dined with us.
November 27, 1757
1757 November 27 (Sunday). Very Cold. Read 1 Chr. 18. Made use of Sermon on Jer. 5.29, but made many alterations accommodating it to the present Times. Mr. Jonas Twitchel’s Wife dined with us. P.M. I read Luk. 9 from v. 27. Preached on Joh. 7.17 on Occasion of the Ecclesiastical Councils so frequently Occurring.
November 28, 1757
1757 November 28 (Monday). Got upon my Subject for next Lords Day. Read Dr. Tillotson upon my Text, though a great part of his Discourses are with very different View from mine. At Eve Thomas returns from Brookfield — brings me from Mr. Roberts of Leicester Life of Czar Peter.
November 29, 1757
1757 November 29 (Tuesday). Deacon Tainter came, and with him Peter Blanc, and kill for me a Steer which was wont to be called the Sagg.
November 30, 1757
1757 November 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing has Sent to me that Mr. Stone, on whom he depended to preach his Lecture to Day, had a Lecture of his own at the same time, and therefore entreated me to assist him. With much Difficulty I got an Horse. Dined at Capt. Allens of Shrewsbury. Went to Meeting, but the Ministers (for there was a Number come) were got to Meeting before me. Mr. Morse prayed. Mr. Stone (who had forgot to appoint his own Lecture) preached — Text James 4.8.9. At Eve I rode with Mr. Martyn and his wife to their House; as did Mr. Stone — heard the papers of the Council on Affairs of Mr. Marsh at Narraganset No. 2. Supped there, but returned home, though late. N.B. Mr. Batherick is moved from t’other House.