1756 February 28 (Saturday). Mr. Williams gives me Some Account of the Conduct of the Gales among them and what a Sorrowfull Condition the whole Family is in. Called at Mr. Woodwards — find that it would be very difficult to attempt any thing in favour of Mr. Williams preaching again. Dined at Mr. Bridge’s. N.B. Sent Rev. Mr. Badger of Natick a Pamphlet, the Oeconomy of human Life, by an Oriental Bramin, in the room of that which I borrowed of him, and sent back but never arrived to his Hands. I sent this by Mr. Joseph Graves of Natick, who called with me at Dr. Hemingways. When I got to Mr. Stones heard that Mr. David Burnap dyed last night, in Southborough. Got home in safety and found my House in safety — Blessed be God! Our great Preserver and Benefactor!