1756 February 6 (Friday). Reckoned and settled an old Account with Mr. Ephraim Bruce late Collector. This I have the more reason to take notice of as I have so innumerable Times requested this Settlement of him and it was always deferred. At Eve came Mr. Daniel Forbush and brought a live Pig, which weighed 90 lb. at 12 d. per pound. N.B. He tells me that Several Friends have desired that I would finish the Affair of the Towns arrearage for the Year 1744 by giving a full Discharge. I told him it was not so much the Money which made me refuse, as the Injustice, and the unsuitable Treatment I met with from them which they ought to be made sensible of: but I thanked him for his kind Office, and told him I would think of what was best to be done, and prepare something against the Meeting next Monday.