1756 February 9 (Monday). Billy went to Mr. Cutlers in Sudbury to change Barley for Malt. P.M. came Messrs. Daniel Forb. and Solomon Woods as they went to the Adjournment of the Town Meeting at Capt. Maynards. I had prepared a Paper directed to the Moderator but I sent it Somewhat unwillingly by them considering the different Frame they were in from what I expected. However, I committed to God who has the Hearts of all Men in His Hands, the whole Affair, and desire humbly to repose my Self in His Goodness. At Evening those Brethren returned from the Town Meeting and Young Deacon Forb. with them, and they reported that my Paper was read, and after a few had Spoke (Lt. Wood and Mr. Francis Whipple against it, and Lt. Forb. whether something might not be done upon it) it was delivered to the Town Clerk (the said Mr. Whipple). No further regard was shewn it. May God grant me wisdom and Grace Suitably to conduct under such Treatment! And God be gracious to them and forgive them!