1750 November 30 (Friday). Billy as he was cutting Wood at the Door, cut his ankle. The wound was Somewhat Cross-wise, and bled very much. It was in the Forenoon and when his Brothers who were able to do any Thing were gone from home, Ebenezer to work for Mr. Rogers, and Thomas to Mr. Goddards Mill. We try’d Puff Ball to Stopp the Bleeding, but to no purpose. After some Time, the Blood running fresh Still, we took off the Bindings, and fill’d the Sore with Sugar — but neither did this Succeed. We Sent about Noon for Mrs. Hephzibah Maynard. Both the Captain and his Wife came. It Seem’d to be Stanched for a while, but flow’d again. He had now bled So much that we were much Concern’d at the Event. Thomas was groaning with the Tooth Ach and wanted to go to Dr. Smith to get his Tooth drawn out. I therefor hasten’d him, though it was past Evening, to bring the Doctor to Billy. We having also try’d scrapings of Tann’d Leather and Scorch’d Cotton, and still fresh Puddles appear’d. N.B. Several Times when it was open’d, the Blood Spurted out as in Phlebotomy. While Thomas was gone and tarried long, our Fears arose higher, for Billy had lost so great a Quantity of Blood that he began to turn pale and we did not know but that it was still running. I ardently committed him and his Case to God who is a present Help in Time of Trouble. After a while the Blood ceas’d, as we conceiv’d, nor did any more appear throughout the Night. Blessed be God for his Sparing Mercy! Thomas did not come till past Nine o’Clock, and no Doctor with him; but got his own Tooth out, or rather part of it, for it broke in the Jaw. Molly is also in great Anguish with Tooth ach So that with my own Lameness, we have no Small Trouble in the House. But would humbly wait on God. My wife watch’d with Billy.