June 12, 1750

1750 June 12 (Tuesday).  Mr. Haven and I rode over to Mr. Martyns it being Association Fast there.  But a few Members came, viz. Mr. Cushing, Mr. Goss,[1] Buckminster and Maccarty.  Afterwards for the last service came Mr. Barrett — and when we came home at Eve Mr. Seccomb.[2]  As to the Exercises, Mr. Martyn pray’d and Mr. Buckminster preach’d on Rev. 2.3.4.  P.M. Mr. Goss pray’d and Mr. Maccarty preach’d on Mat. 16.28.  It was committed to me to draw up an Answer to the Letter which was sent us from the Association of which the Reverend Mr. Townsend[3] of Needham was Moderator in reply to a Message from us to them by a Committee which we sent them upon the Affair of guarding our Pulpits and Examining Candidates.  I lodg’d with Mr. Maccarty at Mr. Martyns.  Most of us indispos’d with a great Cold.

[1]The Reverend Thomas Goss of Bolton.

[2]The Reverend John Seccomb of Harvard.

[3]The Reverend Jonathan Townsend.