June 8, 1750

1750 June 8 (Friday).  Mr. Dodge din’d with us.  My son Ebenezer ill with a Cold.  P.M. a Number of Neighbours went to my Knoll, with Two Yoke of Cattle besides my own, and with Shovels, Hoes and Barrs to levell it further.  They were chiefly Mr. Charles Rice, Lieutenant Thomas Forbush, Lieutenant Bruce, Lieutenant Tainter, Mr. Grow, Bowman, Harrington, Simon Tainter Junior, Jonathan Forbush, Charles Bruce, Ephraim Bruce, Adams, Rogers (with oxen), Timothy Warrin, Abraham Bond, Samuel Forbush junior, [blank] Miller, Eleazer Williams, Abner Rice, and Daniel Forbush junior with a Cart and Oxen.  N.B. Neighbour Ebenezer Maynard raised his House this Afternoon.  I supp’d there.  A Time of remarkable and great Colds.