November 1, 1749

1749 November 1 (Wednesday).  Exceeding Cold last Night and this morning for the Season.  Deacon Forbush here and had an Hebrew Bible for his Son at College.  Mr. John Rutherford here again and teaches Lucy to weave Letter’d Garters.  Ebenezer work’d for Neighbour Noah How.  P.M. Visited Mr. Martyn.  In returning call’d to see the Two Widows Tomlin.

November 2, 1749

1749 November 2 (Thursday).  Mrs. Hitty Brigham here again.  Neigbhour Rutherford after Dinner left us, generously refusing to take anything for his Pains in teaching Lucy to weave Garters.  Molly return’d from Upton and Mrs. Warrin with her.  P.M. my wife and I rode in the Chair to the Private Meeting at Mr. Francis Whipples.  I preach’d from Isa. 55.7.  After Supper there, Lieutenant Tainter came home with us.  The Air pritty Cold.  The setting in of the Cold thus makes me very sollicitous and Concern’d about Keeping for my Stock.  But I confide in Him who made the Meal in the Barrell and the Oyl in the Cruse last, and provid’d so much for us in the season past, beyond our Fears will Still extend his Care of us and bless our Store as he has done before.

November 3, 1749

1749 November 3 (Friday).  Considering the Dangers my Neighbour James Maynard  is in of throwing up his Profession of Religion with us, and turning to the Communion of the Church of England, I attempted again to make him a Visit, and found him at home.  But the most of his Discourse was to this purpose that Things had gone wrong in this town for many Years — above Twenty — yet he Said it was not because of any Disquietment he had with me that he broke off.  This he said three Times in the Conversation.  But he dwelt most largely upon the Conduct of Things in the Days of Mr. Elmer,[1] for he had little to say in his own Defence.  I din’d there — neither was there any Angry Ruffle.  Finally, I entreated him to Suspend absolutely determining to leave us till there might be some Opportunity improv’d to look into his Complaints and Difficultys; and if things did look to him, in the mean time too disagreeable for him to go to Meeting with us, he would rather go to meeting at Shrewsbury, which was near to him; than to Hopkinton, to Mr. Price[2] — and desir’d him to come and See me.  To which he reply’d that he did not know but he Should.  I left him with much Concern for him.  May God most mercifull be pleas’d to pitty him and rescue him!  P.M. rode to the Burying of Mr. Solomon Woods’s little Daughter which dy’d of the Throat Distemper.  At Eve Brother Hicks brought sister Lydia from Sutton.

[1]The Reverend Daniel Elmer who had preceded Parkman as a preacher in Westborough.

[2]Commissary Roger Price.

November 5, 1749

1749 November 5 (Sunday).  Mr. Hutchinson preach’d at Westborough.  N.B. He and sister Lydia din’d at Lieutenant Tainters.  I preach’d at Grafton on Rom. 8.7, all Day.  And Baptiz’d Timothy the son of Abraham Temple, and Mary Daughter of John Adams.  At Eve Mr. Hutchinson return’d to Mr. Brooks’s where I lodg’d.  Major Willard,[1] Mr. Cutler[2] and Mr. Aaron Hardy came in, and had much Discourse with Mr. Hutchinson.  N.B. Mr. Hutchinson seem’d not freely willing to let the Town know whether in Case he should come up to the proposals he had made to them he would even accept of them.

[1]Joseph Willard, a founder of Grafton.

[2]James Cutler of Grafton.

November 6, 1749

1749 November 6 (Monday).  Mr. Hutchinson preparing to Set out this Morning for Hebron.  I return’d to Westborough.  N.B. call’d at Major Willards — Mr. Temples,[1] Mr. Winchesters and Jonathan Fays.  Training of the first Company.  After praying with them I din’d with the Company at Mr. Eliezer Rice’s.  P.M. at the Burial of Mr. William Pierce’s little Daughter Sarah who dy’d by the Throat Distemper.  Return’d to the Officers at Eve — but they were dismiss’d  before I got to them.  At Neighbour Williams in returning home.

[1]Abraham Temple of Grafton.

November 7, 1749

1749 November 7 (Tuesday).  A Comfortable Warm Season for several Days.  My Wife and I in the Chair rode over to Mr. Martyns and din’d there.  Return’d at Evening and visited Mrs. Martha Warrin.  N.B. at Mr. Martyns were several visitors p.m., particularly Mr. Asa Bowker[1] of Shrewsbury and his Brother and sister Davis[2] of Marlborough.

[1]Asa Bouker or Bowker married Martha Eager of Marlborough.

[2]Eleazer Davis married Abigail Bowker.

November 8, 1749

1749 November 8 (Wednesday).  Ebenezer is and has been variously employ’d in Carting out Muck and Spreading it etc.  I read Plutarchs Life of Demosthenes — and part of Demetrius.  At Eve Lieutenant Tainter and his son Benjamin brought in Mary Woodwell the Captive return’d from Canada.  They left her and she lodg’d here, and Lieutenant brought home my steer which had been missing from Thurstons at Reads Farm, having found him at Brookfield.

November 12, 1749

1749 November 12 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 7 (though the former part of it was read by Mr. Hutchinson last Lords Day) and I gave a large Exposition which was the whole forenoon Exercise.  Molly and I din’d at Deacon Newtons.  P.M. Molly Woodwell’s thanks were offer’d in our Congregation — also prayers for no less than Six Children that are sick — 3 of Neighbour Beriah Rice’s — who have a malignant Fever.  The rest have the Canker or Throat Distemper.  Read Luke 10 from 21, and ended at 29, and gave the Exposition on Mat. 11.25.26.  Somewhat drizly Weather then Shiny at Times.

November 13, 1749

1749 November 13 (Monday).  Early visited Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s Child, Sick, but is better.  Was at Mr. Abner Newtons.  Broke fast there — ask’d him to sell part of his place.  Mr. Child the Glazier, glazing the Meeting House.  Was call’d to visit Mr. Beriah Rice’s Children.  Judah was the Messenger and the same Eve was taken ill.  I was at Mr. Jonah Warrins whose Daughter Anna is ill.

November 19, 1749

1749 November 19 (Sunday).  Was much disquieted with Mrs. Mehitabel Brigham who neglected to bring her Relation to me till this Morning, nay till I was going into the Meeting House.  Read Exod. 8, preach’d from Ps. 26.6, improving and repeating the Heads in Sermon on 1 Cor. 11.26, from page [blank] to page [blank].  Administered the Lords Supper.  Din’d at Deacon Newtons also my wife, and Sister Lydia.  Molly and Lucy were at the Deacons but had dinners of their own.  P.M. omitted the reading — and instead of a Sermon gave the Exposition of the forenoon Chapter; Somewhat enlarg’d.  It was a Somewhat Cold Day –and I stood it with Difficulty: But would bless God for that measure of Strength and Comfort which I am favoured with.  Was at home some while before sunsett.  I reflect with a great deal of shame and sorrow on my scantiness and Barrenness; but the Week past has been a Time of much Engagement, and I could not well imagine I Should have full Preparation for the Sabbath.  May God pitty my Weakness and forgive my Defects!

November 20, 1749

1749 November 20 (Monday).  Nineteen persons, older and younger, Three with Teams, to get me wood.  They got down to the Door 29 Load.  They were Lieutenant Tainter with his Team and his Son, Mr. James Bowman with his Team and his son, Mr. Harrington with his Team and his son, Messrs. Martin Pratt, Daniel Hardy, Cornelius Biglo, William Pierce, Jonathan Forbush junior, Solomon Baker, Joseph Grout junior, Elijah Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Seth Miller, Daniel Forbush junior, Joseph Bowker, and Samuel Bumpso.  P.M. there came up such a snow storm as made ‘em break off a little earlyer than they otherwise perhaps would have done.  I took Cold by being out among the People in the Snow.

November 21, 1749

1749 November 21 (Tuesday).  Sister Lydia purposing to go down, but being the Preparation etc. for going was not affected till after one o’Clock p.m. therefore though it was an inviting pleasant Day, Yet I conceiv’d it too late to set out to Day and perswaded her to adjourn it till tomorrow morning.  My wife and I rode in our Slay to Lieutenant Tainters to the marriage of Joseph Bowker.[1]  Mr. Hutchinson from Grafton there.  I was much afflicted with Toothach, Rheumatic Pains, and I was feverish — was not well, at Home or abroad.  Went to bed much indispos’d.  Ebenezer gather’d our Sheep home.  In all 16.

[1]Bowker married Sarah Tainter, the daughter of Lieutenant Simon Tainter.

November 22, 1749

1749 November 22 (Wednesday).  Early in the Morning Stormy; but afterwards it clear’d off, and very Cold.  Ebenezer in Lieutenant Tainters least Slay waited upon his Aunt Lydia[1] to Cambridge.  I am much indisposed with Pains in my Teeth, and at Times Rheumatic Darts in my Limbs: yet able, through Mercy, both to write and read.  It proves exceeding Cold at Night.  My little Son William putt up the Cattle and meated them himself though so very Cold.

[1]Parkman’s sister-in-law, Lydia Champney.

November 23, 1749

1749 November 23 (Thursday).  Neighbour William Rogers here again importuning me to suffer him to join with the Church.  Catechiz’d at my House.  Only six Boys besides my own in the forenoon: and in the Afternoon the Weather being Cold and the Roads bad, there came no Girls at all.  At Eve Lieutenant Hezekiah Ward here, and put up with us for the Night.  Josiah Lock[1] (at my Request) is here to help my Billy in tending the Cattle and cutting Wood; and lodg’d here.

[1]The son of Joshua Lock of Westborough.

November 25, 1749

1749 November 25 (Saturday).  A very Cold Night, and this morning very sharp.  Captain Maynard sent Joshua Winchester (who lives with him) to Cut Wood at the Door and assist Billy about the Creatures.  At Eve Ebenezer came home, having had a tedious Journey to Boston and Concord: he came from Concord to Day.  N.B. a Letter from Thomas of the abusive Detractions of Mr. Williams of Marlborough at Jones’s Tavern at Concord.  From Mr. Whiting Fullers Worthys.[1]

[1]Thomas Fuller, History of the Worthies of England (London, 1662).

November 26 ,1749

1749 November 26 (Sunday).  A raw Cold, cloudy Day — but I was so much more Comfortable than I have been (though Still indispos’d) that I ventur’d to Meeting.  Read Exod. 9, gave some brief Observations only.  Preach’d on 2 Tim. 4.3, former part a. and p.m.  P.M. read latter part of Luke 10.  My wife din’d with me at Deacon Newtons.  Got home in Comfort at Night.  Blessed be God!  We are much burthen’d with Stray Sheep.

November 28, 1749

1749 November 28 (Tuesday).  This Day in the Year 1730 my Honoured Father Deceas’d.  I would not only remember the Death, but the Sudden manner of his being Seiz’d, and would beg of God so to prepare me, that I may always be ready for his Summons.  My Wife and Daughter Mary made a visit to Lieutenant Eagers wife, it being good slaying.  The Precinct (as Captain Maynard who came in, in the Evening Inform’d me) met together this Day to Consider my Circumstances — Yearly Support, and Entertainment on Sabbath noons.  What they have done I expect to hear more particularly in due Time.  In the mean While I desire to committ myself to God and his good Providence.  The Lord careth for me.  May I have grace, also, to put my intire Confidence in Him!

November 30, 1749

1749 November 30 (Thursday).  I have receiv’d no message from the Precinct.  P.M. I rode over to Deacon Newtons to discourse with him about hiring part of his House, but he was not at Home.  While I sat there Esq. Baker came in.  After some Discourse we walk’d over to Neighbour Abner Newtons.  Our Discourse there was also about my moving if I could find any Convenient House.  Call’d at Merchant Rice’s at Eve to see his sick Child.  Rode around to Mr. Eliezer Rice’s and left my Young Horse with him to be kept.  The Season looks at present very terrible.  Tight Shut up with Snow and Some Days very Cold.  It fills many (I suppose) with Concern.  But we must remember Jehovah.