April 27, 1749

1749 April 27 (Thursday).  Daniel ploughing.  Ebenezer variously employ’d about the fences round the Yards etc.  In the forenoon I was oblig’d to go down to Mr. Cook’s to fasten my Horse’s Shooes.  Mr. Daniel Forbush[1] was there.  He took Notice I had not yet been to the Timber (where they were framing the Meeting House).  I told him I was going to preach to Mr. Martyns people.  He said he believ’d the Committee would be glad (he doubted not) of Such an opportunity to Send a message by me to Mr. Martyn.  He spoke in a much Earnestness and intimating that they were at the Frame, who would thus be glad, and that they would send to my House.  I went from thence to see old Mrs. Forbush[2] (nigh 85 years of age).  But when I came out from her, I thought it would be best to ride round by the Meeting House place to give ‘em opportunity and prevent their Sending on purpose to my House and as Mr. Forbush aforesaid intimated they would.  I therefore came home that way.  Captain Baker and Lieutenant Bruce[3] were very complaisant.  I enquir’d whether the work went on well and how forward they were etc.?  They told me that Time that they had last night agreed upon for the Raising Day — viz. Next Wednesday — But that they intended to send to me and to the Neighbouring Ministers, But as there was but one of the Committee there, Captain Baker, there could be no public message as yet to Mr. Martyn.  I put ‘em in mind to Send without Fail to his Spouse also.  One Mr. Hastings, a Carpenter, brought me their bottle and offer’d to give me a Dram — which gave me occasion to talk with them about their offering (as I had heard) their Bottle to Travellers to beg of them as they pass’d in the high way: I talk’d with the Chief Workman Mr. Hemingway, but he vindicated himself.  I told him I had rather give ‘em, myself, Every Penny of what they Should so Collect — and I took out my Book to pay him what they Said had been given though they Said it was only by Such as had turn’d aside to see them and that only by Two persons — one of which gave 3/, the other 1/.  I parted as decently as I could professing my Concern to have Every Thing carry’d on in Righteousness, Peace and Honour.  Esquire Baker, in his Conversation, inform’d me that at the Meeting last Night (which was of Such of the Inhabitants of the precinct as pleas’d to Show their Minds about the Provision they would make for the Raising) Some that were disaffected brought in a Petition to the Committee to raise a Meeting, if possible to remove the Spot for the Meeting House.  But it was too late, and he said it could be thought no other than Vexations, design’d so — by its being brought at this Time.  Molly rode with me over to Mr. Martyns — Mr. Cushing and his wife came.  We din’d there.  The Drought So great that I turn’d my Thoughts from other Subjects, and preach’d (the Lecture) from Jer. 14.22.  The Lord grant us to acknowledge Him in all His Dispensations and wait on Him alone for Supply and Relief!  In returning at Evening was in Danger at the Bridge by means of my Horse’s Fright and Springing, at the loose Planks, especially one that was broken, but was safely upheld and got over without hurt.

[1]The son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.

[2]The widow of Thomas Forbush.

[3]Abijah Bruce.