April 9, 1749

1749 April 9 (Sunday).  At first waking I did not expect to go to meeting.  Yet growing better when I got up, I did; and preach’d all Day — Text 1 Tim. 6.12.  Lay hold on Eternal Life.  N.B. Mary Garfield[1] of Shrewsbury (of about 22) fell into fitts in the Meeting House, was carry’d out and remov’d to my House.  Her fitts were repeated in the Evening.  She had some Number of them.  Her mother and Two Brothers here; Mrs. Garfield and son Moses here with Mary over night.  My son Ebenezer went about 9 at Night to Dr. Smith[2] — but he would not come.

[1]The daughter of Daniel Garfield.

[2]Joshua Smith, the physician of Shrewsbury.