October 24, 1747

1747 October 24 (Saturday).  It rained, yet I set out determining to ride as I could bear and as the storm Should permitt, though it were no further than the Next Town.  Stop’d at Justice Harris’s in Watertown.  Din’d at Mr. Cooks[1] in Sudbury — called at Mr. Darlings and reached home in some Comfort, though sometimes it rained hard, and was wet all the day.  Found my Dwelling in Peace — though bad News round — for Mrs. Chamberlin (Johns wife) lost her Pocket Book in Boston with all her money of her Marketing (10 or 12£).  But this was a Small thing compared with the accident at Grafton last Thursday, when Mr. Boynes was about to blow up a Rock in a Well of Mr. Charles Brighams the Train took fire by his picking of the Rock — Mr. Prentice’s son Solomon was greatly wounded and his Leg despaired of.  Several others were much hurt yet one man who was in the well, along with Mr. Boynes escaped.

[1]The Reverend William Cooke of East Sudbury, which later became the town of Wayland.