1747 October 7 (Wednesday). We were Somewhat disturb’d by a Crew of Indians with a Violin last night while we were o’Bed. But through Divine Mercy I rose well and rode (alone) to Mr. Samuel Brecks in North Sutton. Mr. Turners[1] Church in Rehoboth did not come. But the following Churches came, viz. of Oxford, first in Sutton, first in Westborough, of Uxbridge, second in Lynn, Southborough, Worcester, Wilmington. Reverend Campbell was chose Moderator and I was Chosen Scribe. N.B. My Brethren Williams and Miller satisfy’d themselves about joining with the first Church in Sutton, by discoursing with Mr. Campbell. Mr. Wellman was somewhat carefully examin’d yet gave the Council good Satisfaction, both praying and delivering part of a sermon before the Council also. In the public Assembly Mr. Chase[2] deliver’d a very good sermon on Rev. 1.20, those words, the angels of the Churches. N.B. Mr. Stone was appoint’d to pray after the Charge, but he not sitting in the pulpit, the Moderator did himself, but (an unusual thing) he did not lay on Hands in said last prayer, and therefore none of us did. Soon after supper (at which Mr. Webb pray’d, and Mr. Stone in returning Thanks omitted to mention what he had receiv’d) we mounted to come home. Called at my Cousen Fullers, and at Captain Lelands.[3] My Family in Peace. Blessed be God. N.B. Ebenezer at Ordination and supp’d at Mr. Hollands. N.B. We hear again from Lunenbourg that Mr. Stearns is not Dead.
[1]David Turner (Harvard 1718), minister of Rehoboth, 1721-1757. Sibley, VI, 287.
[2]The Reverend Stephen Chase of Lynnfield.
[3]James Leland of Sutton.