1747 October 17 (Saturday). Ebenezer proceeds in gathering and laying up winter Apples. I went to the Funeral of Mr. Timothy Warrins youngest Child. The Third Funeral this week, but yet tis not a Sickly Time among us. P.M. came Mr. Stephen Frost[1] of Cambridge going to Grafton if he could not obtain of any Body to Change with him. I was oblig’d to deny him, my particular Circumstances being such that I could not go. Yet there are so many Exceptions made there against the ministers and preachers that go there that tis pity ordained ministers can’t go in their stead, to instruct and direct them in this difficult Time! And by means of the Continual Interruptions and hindrances this week, every Day of it, I needed to change. My Soul is often bowed down with my Burthens — not being able to take Care of my Family without more impediments to my Studys and even to my whole Ministerial work then ought to be suffered.
[1](Harvard 1739). A schoolmaster of Lancaster and an occasional preacher. Sibley, X, 369.