1747 September 29 (Tuesday). I walk’d down to Mr. Cooks and there wrote a Letter to my Daughter Molly at Cambridge and sent it with 12£ of money by Eli Forbush. A number of Hands came and gather’d my Corn. Mr. Samuel Fay junior, Joseph Green junior, Edwards Whipple (who was a first mover) and p.m. John Chamberlin, John Rogers, Benjamin Tainter, Joseph Bowker. Had Mr. Tinneys Cart as well as my own. P.M. visited Stephen Maynard. N.B. Dr. Greenleaf there to see him. At Evening husk’d. I know not of more than a small Number, and we provided accordingly, but there came (as I think they were counted) 34. Yet God was pleas’d to bless out Provision and he[?] had Considerable left. N.B. they finish’d at 10 o’Clock. Sang latter part of Ps. 4 in Tate and Brady. Through the Bounty of Providence a good Crop.