1747 September 20 (Sunday). On Mat. 24.25 and p.m. on Ezra 10.11. At Evening I read to the Church a Letter from the Second Church in Sutton desiring our Assistance in their approaching Ordination. Upon which our Church voted Compliance with their Request, and confirm’d it by asking whether any body objected? But all being Silent, we then proceeded to appointment of the Delegates, and Two were offer’d to be the Number, and try’d by Vote; but there were So few voted, that I enquir’d what might be the Matter? Captain Warrin answer’d that seeing the Church had no Returns made ‘em of what was done when they sent out to Councils and such like, he did not know whether it was worthwhile to send any more. I soon found by Ensign Bruce’s warm Speech (that follow’d as well as went before Captain Warrins) it was my not reading the Grafton Result that had given such Disgust. I told ‘em That we had not the Custom with us, nor in the Churches where I had been concern’d that I know of, that when we had ever done it it was a special occasion for doing it; That indeed I had Some Reasons against Reading Results abroad round the Country, to Spread at great Distance (it would be some times) the miscarriages of Christians and Ministers etc. But yet I was free and ready to gratifie ‘em in the present Case; either any my own House or otherwise when desir’d and was sorry they would make Such a Difficulty as that to clogg the present Duty (or to that purpose). Lieutenant Forbush said a man had told me that he ask’d me to read it — but that I did not. I reply’d that I had not a Copy at first, when I came Back from that Council — and that afterwards it seem’d late to read a Result; and I did not know there was any uneasiness about it, and could not take it well that the first Discovery of uneasiness Should be in such a public manner as this. Captain Baker mov’d that being it was the sabbath it might be better to defer it to some other Time. Lieutenant Tainter said he saw not why the Business might not go on, for this was a different work from that of going to Councils upon Differences etc. But twas urg’d that we should be together again at the Thursday ensuing, and we had best wave anything further about it till then. So it was deferr’d accordingly to that Day (the Day of the Lecture). But note well, that when Brother Stephen Fay and Brother Daniel Hardy said they believ’d there was not a Vote, it made me recurr from that to the first vote (of granting the request of the Letter), and observ’d to them that I esteem’d that vote to have been pass’d, for I had put it both ways, and desir’d if there was objection it might be shown. But at this Time there was no Objection made against that Vote. I look upon that therefore as doubly confirm’d. When I came home Captain Ephraim Williams was at my House and tarry’d with us over night. About nine o’Clock there was a storm of Thunder and Lightning But the Lord preserv’d us in safety.