September 27, 1747

1747 September 27 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  Preach’d on Mat. 13.51, a.m.  On Jer. 8.4.5.  Deacon Fay, old Mr. Bellows,[1] and Mr. Cutter of Brookfield and Mrs. Deliverance Fay[2] din’d here.  At Evening had Some more peculiar Meditations and Resolutions respecting a Closer Walk with God and self Reflection — but alas! how weak and slender is all that I can do! Read at night Sir Matthew Hales Discourse on Religion[3] and Letters to his Children.[4]

[1]Eleazer Bellows.

[2]Daughter of Samuel Fay, Jr.

[3]Matthew Hale, The Judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir M. H. of the Nature of True Religion (London, 1684).

[4]Matthew Hale, A Letter from Sir Matthew Hale . . . to his Children (London, 1684).