October 5, 1745

1745 October 5 (Saturday).  Last Night Mr. Daniel Warrin of our North precinct brought a sad message of Dr. Gotts Wife being at the Point of Death and his Desire to see me.  I therefore left my Study and Preparations and rode to Marlborough, where was a sorrowful sight.  Mrs. Gott was alive and sometimes seem’d to have some Understanding but was hardly able to Speak a Sentence: and but Rarely so much as a Yes.  I stay’d and din’d there, and at the Doctors Desire pray’d with Mrs. Gott, but the Doctor was hurry’d up to Westborough to Mr. George Smiths wife, and to Mr. Jacob Rice — the last being sick and very bad of the Distemper.  N.B. Captain Ward of Worcester at the Doctors Mr. Chandlers wife being very bad of a Nervous Fever.  P.M. I was at Reverend Mr. Smiths — and in my return Home was at Mr. Matthias Rice’s where Benoni Baily was Sick of the Common Distemper.