1744 December 31 (Monday). In the Morning I Sent a Messenger to Mr. Burrs to see if he was at home Who return’d that he was not in Town. In my return home Mr. John Chandler was my Company as far as Eager’s. We met Dr. Smith, his wife and others going to Worcester upon an action of the Doctor’s against the wife of Mr. Caleb Johnson for Depriving him of a Note given to the Doctor by her Husband. N.B. My Off Ox ill again. But through the tender Mercy of God My Wife, Children etc. enjoy much Comfort and Health hitherto of the Winter. I desire to mark it with hearty Thanks for it. Thus has pass’d another Year of God’s Longsuffering! N.B. Mr. William Jenison began to keep School at Captain Maynards and Eli Forbush came to board at my House.