1744 December 10 (Monday). Sixteen came to get me Wood. Solomon Woods with a Team, Mr. Grow, Miller,[1] Harrington,[2] Daniel, Jonathan, Phinehas and Eli Forbush,[3] Beriah Rice, Dunlop, Daniel Warrin, Elijah Warrin, Benjamin Tainter, Jonathan Grout, Jonas Child and Zebulon Rice. The Swamp clear’d. My Team improv’d all Day. N.B. The Committee from the Northside with me, to make me their Offers according to the General Court which erected them into a precinct.[4] Neighbour Jedidiah How here in the Evening.
[1]James Miller.
[2]Samuel Harrington.
[3]Sons of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.
[4]Dec. 9, 1744, the north precinct had appointed a committee “to Treate with the Reverend Ebenezer Parkman to see if he will tack up with the offer of the precinct as it is sett forth in the act of Courte which has divided the Town into Two Precincts and come to be our Minister, or whether he will stay in the first Precinct and Tack the Twelve pounds, Ten Shillings ordered the petitioners to pay and to give security for said money agreeable to said act.” Kent, Northborough History, 20.