1744 December 26 (Wednesday). The Rain abated and the Shining Sun about 11 a.m. induc’d me to ride to Marlborough to preach Mr. Smiths Lecture. Bad travelling and Clouds and rain return’d — but I had reason to think that he depended upon me. But when I through all my Difficultys got there he told me he had not appointed it. It was Such bad weather that he had not appointed the Sacrament. Neither did he expect me to come — Whereas he ought to have Sent me Word that he had put the Exercises aforesaid by — and as to my Coming he could not know that it would not be good Weather by that Time. This is the Second Time of Disappointment about his Lecture of Late. I din’d with him, and then rode to Mr. John Stows on the Business of Thomas Winchester. At Dr. Gotts at Eve but lodg’d at Mr. Smiths.