1744 December 30 (Sunday). Mr. Brown[1] of Chauxit (as I afterward heard) preach’d at Westborough whilst I Preach’d at Worcester. A.M. on 2 Thes. 3.1. P.M. on Ps. 122 latter End. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem etc. I din’d at the Colonel’s who vouchsaf’d to go to meeting p.m. though he loung’d at Home and his wife with him a.m. and am Sorry that I did not exert myself in Reproving them for their Sloth and Negligence. At Eve I was a while at the Colonels, and there came Justice Lee and others — but I retir’d to Dr. Brecks whom I had not visited since he brought his Wife to that Town and I lodg’d there.
[1]Josiah Brown (HC 1735), sometime preacher, was the schoolmaster of the West Parish of Lancaster which became the town of Sterling. Parkman used a shorthand version of the Indian name for Sterling, Woonksechocksett. SHG 9:476-78.