September 7, 1744

1744 September 7 (Friday).  So grievously broke in upon by the Various Matters of the View of the Town etc., that I could not attend to My Studys.  Din’d with the Committee at Captain Eagers.[1]  N.B. Lieutenant Holloway intimated to Me that it was agreeable to my own Desire that I was with the Committee whereas it was in Conformity to their Special Request Sent me by Captain Eager and Captain Eagers own personal Request that I put myself to the Trouble to go over and din’d there.  N.B. Captain Watt’s advice that I would not engage myself in the Disputes of my Neighbours about Dividing the Town, The Rather because they all, universally express’d so much Love and Esteem etc. and were each of them desirous to enjoy me among them.  Conformable to his Advice I Said nothing but after a little Space retir’d.

[1]James Eager of Westborough.