July 19, 1744

1744 July 19 (Thursday).  Very heavy Rains early in the Morning but clear’d off so afterwards that I return’d home.  Captain Tyler being so good as to accompany me part of the way as far as Mr. Matthew Tafts.  N.B. I call’d also at Mr. Freelands[1] in Hopkinton.  P.M. I preach’d on [sic] Preparatory Lecture from Ps. 24.4.5.  N.B. Mr. Coollidge here after meeting and I perceiv’d him to be free and ready in Classical Learning, except in Tullys Orations etc. but upon several Occasions Dropping very Dark sentences about himself.  Scil. his own Spiritual and Eternal State and Condition which were very terrible to hear — nor could he receive any Reply, Direction nor Encouragement that I could give him.

[1]Thomas Freeland.