July 6, 1744

1744 July 6 (Friday).  Brother Hicks to Boston but Cousin Winchester and I rode together to Westborough.  I call’d at Mr. Cooks[1] in Waterton to see his Books — Clarks Martyral and Lives.[2]  I din’d at Mr. Darlings[3] on the Road.  We stop’d also at old Mr. Shermans[4] in Marlborough — had a great deal of talk with my Kinswoman about the New Lights as they are term’d and particularly her own sourness and Disaffectedness and reprov’d her for many Things.  Got home in the middle of the Afternoon.

[1]Stephen Cook, Jr., of Watertown.  Bond, Watertown, 163.

[2]Samuel Clarke, A Generall Martyrologie, Containing a Collection of all the Greatest Persecutions which have Befallen the Church of Christ from the Creation to our Present Times (London, 1651).

[3]Thomas Darling of Framingham.

[4]Mrs. John Sherman.