1736 August 23 (Monday). I rode to Marlborough. Din’d with Mr. Haven[1] at Madam Fisks. N.B. Lieut. Wit there. Discourse very much of Thomas Wards Disgust and withdraw from Meeting. P.M. at Coll. Woods. Mr. N. Stone came. At Dr. Gotts. Doctor not at home. Discourse with Mrs. Gott[2] concerning her Sister and the many Reports etc. At Eve at Mr. Butlers who new stuffed and chambered my saddle. At Mr. Zechariah Maynards to get him to make me a pair of Calliminco Breeches. At Mr. Jonathan Hows to enquire for Mr. John Tucker, Pump Maker, but unsuccessfully. Returned home between nine and Ten at Night. David returned home.
[1]Elias Haven (1714-1754), Harvard 1733; minister of the Second Church of Wrentham (Franklin), Mass., 1738-1754. SHG, 9:304-09.
[2]Sarah (Breck) Gott, daughter of Rev. Robert and Elizabeth Breck of Marlborough. Parkman married her sister Hannah, Sept. 1, 1737.