1736 August 8 (Sunday). I went to Meeting at the Old North. Mr. Mather invited me to his Pew and to dine with him. He preached a.m. on Rom. 2.5. Mr. Gee Sent his son[1] to me at Mr. Mathers. I chose rather to go to him than Send any direct Answer for it was beyond my Expectation to preach in Town to Day. But he prevailed and I endeavoured to preach on Joh. 9.4, and God be pleased to bless my Endeavours to both the Congregation and my own Soul, that we may be sensible of our great Errand and be diligent, Seasonably, upon it! At Mr. Gee’s after Divine Service. N.B. very Raw and bleak wind. At Brother Elias’s at Evening Devotions. When it grew Dark I walked up to Mr. Pierpont’s. They were very handsome and Courteous and would fain have me lodge there, and especially because of the Raw, Stormy Air. However I thought it not so prudent to act according to their kind invitation but having Spent an hour or Two with Mrs. H_____h, I retired to Brother Elias’s.
[1]Joshua Gee (1725-c. 1760), Harvard 1744; SHG, 11:405.