August 31, 1736

1736 August 31 (Tuesday).  I rode to Boston.  On the Road met Mr. Foxcroft.  Discourse Rutland-Marlborough.  I rode to Brother Alexanders.  John Tyley[1] sick of Fever and sore Throat.  Dined there — and prayed with them on Occasion of their Affliction by the Sickness in their Family.  At the North End our Relations well except sister Elizabeth who had languished for some time, and I left Sick when I went from Town last.  Tea p.m. with Sister Dorcas,[2] Mrs. Kennady[3] and Mrs. Molly Bennett.  Eve at Mr. Pierponts.  Mrs. Hannah under great Discouragement at the Thought of 4 Children to have the Care and Government of.  Person — Country Life — Westborough — Ministerial Life — no objection — but the first mentioned Article insuperable as yet — but [She?] had rather the matter may Still lye under Consideration.  It grew too late to return to my Brothers.  Mr. P____ts and Madams[4] Invitations had been so strong and so repeated to Lodge there, that I made free with them at this Time and lodged there.  N.B. I prayed with Mr. P____ts Family before we retired.

[1]Parkman’s sister Elizabeth married John Tyley of Boston.

[2]Dorcas (Bowes) Parkman, wife of Parkman’s brother Samuel.

[3]Mrs. Kennady, wife of Dr. Kennady

[4]Sarah Pierpont.

August 1, 1736

1736 August 1 (Sunday).  Called up early in the Morning to Visit Ensign Forbush’s youngest Child.  It dyed before noon.[1]  On Mat. 6.16 and Song. 2.16, former part.  Storm of Thunder and Rain at Night.  Deborah in Extremity of Pain most the Night.

[1]Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Forbush, b. June 4, 1735; d. Aug. 1, 1736 (WVR, 48, 238). 

August 2, 1736

1736 August 2 (Monday).  Cloudy — [shine?] — changing Weather.  At the Funeral of Ensign Thomas Forbush’s Child.  At Mr. Josiah Newtons after the burying, to receive the Ballance of Constable Rice’s Rate.  When I came home Mr. Thomas Weld[1] of Upton here. 

[1]Thomas Weld (1702-1757 or 1758), Harvard 1723, minister of Upton, 1738-1744, Middleborough, 1745-1750.  SHG, 7:273-77.

August 3, 1736

1736 August 3 (Tuesday).  I had determined to have gone to Boston in Case I could get an Horse and the Weather favoured.  Mr. Dowsing[1] lent me his Horse, but the weather was very Discouraging — it rained considerably.  Mr. Weld after Dinner went [blot] away.  I went to Neighbour Hezekiah Pratts his wife[2] being under Some Spiritual Doubts and [Distresses?].  A Melancholly Time as to English Corn whether [reap’d], or standing, and as to Hay.  My whole Field of Rie Standing or rather lying down by the Several Storms upon it, which has given great Advantage to the [illegible] which together very much pull and keep it down.  And I have a Load or Two of Hay abroad — some in Swarth and some in Cock.  Mr. Increase Wards wife[3] here.  Very rainy towards Eve and in the Eve.  Mrs. Ward tarried all night.

[1]Probably Townsend.

[2]Hezekiah Pratt mar. Rachel Knowlton of Shrewsbury, Nov. 13, 1734 (WVR, 197).

[3]Ruth Ward, wife of Increase, was admitted to the Westborough church, Aug. [8?], 1731 (WCR, 28).

August 4, 1736

1736 August 4 (Wednesday).  Heavy, rainy Weather yet.  David rails for kitchin chamber at the [Toup?] of the Stairs, yesterday — and window shutters for Study Window yesterday and to Day.  After I had dined I Sat out upon my Journey to Cambridge on Mr. Dowsings Horse.  I rode down by Mr. Chamberlains and by Mr. Swifts.  One L[ock?] in Company from Framingham to Waterton.  I got to F. Champneys while it was yet early in the Eve.  F. Champney still in a very Piteous State — often abroad, rarely o’bed.

August 5, 1736

1736 August 5 (Thursday).  I rode to Boston.  Mr. Sargeant[1] and a Considerable Number of Housatunnoc and River Indians were in Boston.  Mr. Sargeant preached on Act. 17.28.  Both Mr. Foxcroft and Dr. Sewal asked me to dine, but I had determined to dine with my Brother Alexander and I did So.  Late in the afternoon I went to Mr. James Pierponts where Mrs. Hannah Breck has for Some time dwelt[2] — and I spent the Eve till nine o’Clock (in promiscuous Company) and then took my Leave.  N.B. great noise of my Courting Mrs. H_____h.  Lodged at Brother Elias’s.  N.B. Sister[3] confined to Chamber by great Indisposition — Cold etc.  Sister Willard[4] had been ill, but now about again.

[1]John Sergeant (1710-1749), Yale 1729, minister at Stockbridge, 1734-1749. DYG, 1:394-97.

[2]After her parents’ deaths, Hannah Breck lived in Boston with Sarah (Breck) and James Pierpont; Sarah Pierpont, her cousin, was daughter of her father’s brother, Nathaniel Breck.  Samuel Breck, Genealogy of the Breck Family Descended from Edward of Dorchester…. (Omaha: Rees Printing Company, 1889), 14-17

[3]Elias Parkman’s wife, Martha (Cough); SHG, 10:223.

[4]Parkman’s sister Susanna mar. Capt. Josiah Willard of Salem, Mar. 16, 1727 (Parkman diary), who d. sometime before 1736.  Susanna Willard d. Jan. 28, 1750. (Parkman diary, Mar. 16, 1727; Nov. 17, 1736; Jan. 28, 1750)

August 6, 1736

1736 August 6 (Friday).  Mr. Sergeant and the Indians with the Governor to Castle William.  P.M. I was at Mr. Pierponts and having tarryed Some time and finding that there was no likelihood of answering my End without some formality and Resolution I acquainted Mr. Pierpont I wanted Some opportunity of Conversation with him in Private — he immediately led me up into his great Chamber where I discovered to him my inclinations and asked his Friendship and Countenance.  He very Courteously bid me welcome to his House and to [that?] [illegible] in particular.  He called to Mrs. H____h and prayed her to bring him a Glass of wine — having drank he kindly withdrew — by which means my Desires were gratifyed as to Mrs. H_____h’s company till [illegible] to [illegible]; at which Time I withdrew.  Lodged at Brother Elias’s.  N.B. Mrs. H_____h’s decent, obliging yet prudent Behavior and Conduct towards Me very much recommended her, and the whole of which I met withal was far from Discouraging me.  But it brought my mind into a great deal of Agitation.  How weighty the [Business?] which is now before me — I heartily desire in all my prayers to acknowledge God and would especially in the important Matter now upon my Thoughts; and I would earnestly entreat that He would be pleased to direct my Paths!

August 7, 1736

1736 August 7 (Saturday).  This morning proved very lowery — about 11 or 12 I took leave of my Friends and went over to Charleston to prosecute my Journey home in Case that the Rain should not increase — but it increased greatly and detained me till about one o’Clock at Mr. Larkins.  Then I gave up the Matter of my Journey and I returned to Boston.  P.M. I was dull and indisposed — Head ach etc.  Lodged at Brother Elias’s — for my Mothers house was in the Confusion of White washing.

August 8, 1736

1736 August 8 (Sunday).  I went to Meeting at the Old North.  Mr. Mather invited me to his Pew and to dine with him.  He preached a.m. on Rom. 2.5.  Mr. Gee Sent his son[1] to me at Mr. Mathers.  I chose rather to go to him than Send any direct Answer for it was beyond my Expectation to preach in Town to Day.  But he prevailed and I endeavoured to preach on Joh. 9.4, and God be pleased to bless my Endeavours to both the Congregation and my own Soul, that we may be sensible of our great Errand and be diligent, Seasonably, upon it!  At Mr. Gee’s after Divine Service.  N.B. very Raw and bleak wind.  At Brother Elias’s at Evening Devotions.  When it grew Dark I walked up to Mr. Pierpont’s.  They were very handsome and Courteous and would fain have me lodge there, and especially because of the Raw, Stormy Air.  However I thought it not so prudent to act according to their kind invitation but having Spent an hour or Two with Mrs. H_____h, I retired to Brother Elias’s.

[1]Joshua Gee (1725-c. 1760), Harvard 1744; SHG, 11:405.

August 9, 1736

1736 August 9 (Monday).  Broke fast at Brother Samuel’s.  Was at Mr. Fennels, Mr. Spooners[1] etc.: but not at Mr. Pierponts.  Mr. Thatcher visited Sister Elizabeth p.m.  I rode to Cambridge.

[1]A various times John Spooner advertised goods for sale “at his Shop in Cornhill”; see the Boston Evening-Post, Jan. 23, 1738, p. [2]; Jan. 7, 1740, p. [2]; Mar. 31, 1740, p. [2].  Among the various goods were sugar, “VELVET CORKS, choise Kettle Fish, Butter in Tubs and Firkins, new Philadelphia Flour, and Rhode-Island Cheese, all at the very lowest Prices.”

August 10, 1736

1736 August 10 (Tuesday).  Sister Lydia was o’ mind to go up with me and I waited Several Hours for her.  I rode to Mr. Cottons[1] (at Newton) and discoursed with Madam about Hittey Coddingtons living at my House a while — but in vain.  When Brother Champney[2] and sister Lydia met me it was so late in the Day and the Horse so dull that we had gone but a little way before we determined to go back and we did so — But towards Night I rode with Sister Lydia to Capt. Sharps[3] — left her there and I proceeded to Mr. Allens — In my Return I waited upon sister Lydia home to F. Champneys.

[1]John Cotton (1693-1757), Harvard 1710, minister of Newton, 1714-1757.  SHG, 5:517-24.

[2]Probably Samuel Champney, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

[3]Capt. Robert Sharp of Brookline.

August 11, 1736

1736 August 11 (Wednesday).  Weather Somewhat dull, but we undertook our Journey (Sister Lydia being with me) and without any great matter of Rain all the way we got to Mr. Swifts and dined there.  While we were there it rained Somewhat hard.  N.B. Old Mr. Swift at Boston.  When the rain ceased we Set out again and reached Mr. Chamberlains (of Westborough) and while we were handsomely entertained and refreshed there it rained very hard.  Near night it was mitigated (though it did not cease) and we got up to my House.  The Family Comfortable — Glory to God!

August 13, 1736

1736 August 13 (Friday).  Anna Rice[1] here upon her Examination in order to joining with the Church.  N.B. David in my absence had cut and carryed in my Crop of Rie — and mowed and got up the remainder of the Hay.  Mr. Ithamar Bellows helped him one Day — So that now Haying was over both at home and at the Meadow — unless a few bottoms to be raked or Such like.  David had also pulled my Hemp and bound it up.

[1]Anna Rice was admitted to the church on Aug. 29, 1736 (WCR, 43).

August 15, 1736

1736 August 15 (Sunday).  On Mat. and Luk. 19.42.  Mr. Dartforth, [Dantforth?] Mr. Chamberlain and Hitty Coddington dined with us.  N.B. Isle of Wight Tune Sung p.m.  Mr. Samuel Fay went out before the last Singing.[1]

[1]Parkman would later note that Samuel Fay declared that his “chief objections and offence” against Parkman were “what arose from my bringing in new Singing and my wearing a Wigg” (Diary, July 25, 1738).

August 19, 1736

1736 August 19 (Thursday).  David rode to Charleston to visit his Parents.  Mrs. Rice came to take Care of my Family.  An Exceeding Hot Day.  Maj. Keys here.  Hittey Coddington here with presents from Mr. Chamberlain.  At Evening I rode over to Mr. Whipples to visit the Young Man and his Children[1] sick of Sore Throat and Fever.  N.B. Jejun. priv.  See Memoirs.

[1]Francis and Abigail Whipple had four children born in Westborough by 1736: Benjamin, b. Apr. 23, 1727; Lucia, b. Jan. 1, 1730; Thomas, b. Oct. 21, 1731; and Abigail Warrin, b. July 6, 1734 (WVR, 105-06).  But there is no Westborough record of Jonathan’s birth (see Aug. 22, below), although the Ipswich Vital Records report the death of an unnamed child of Francis Whipple, Oct. 1730.  Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849, Vol. II: Marriages and Deaths (Salem: Essex Institute, 1910), 710

August 23, 1736

1736 August 23 (Monday).  I rode to Marlborough.  Din’d with Mr. Haven[1] at Madam Fisks.  N.B. Lieut. Wit there.  Discourse very much of Thomas Wards Disgust and withdraw from Meeting.  P.M. at Coll. Woods.  Mr. N. Stone came.  At Dr. Gotts.  Doctor not at home.  Discourse with Mrs. Gott[2] concerning her Sister and the many Reports etc.  At Eve at Mr. Butlers who new stuffed and chambered my saddle.  At Mr. Zechariah Maynards to get him to make me a pair of Calliminco Breeches.  At Mr. Jonathan Hows to enquire for Mr. John Tucker, Pump Maker, but unsuccessfully.  Returned home between nine and Ten at Night.  David returned home.

[1]Elias Haven (1714-1754), Harvard 1733; minister of the Second Church of Wrentham (Franklin), Mass., 1738-1754.  SHG, 9:304-09.

[2]Sarah (Breck) Gott, daughter of Rev. Robert and Elizabeth Breck of Marlborough.  Parkman married her sister Hannah, Sept. 1, 1737.

August 24, 1736

1736 August 24 (Tuesday).  Very great Trouble with My pump.  Neighbour How to assist.  We lost both our Pump Hook and His also in endeavouring to draw up the 2d Pump Box.  Sent David toward Eve to Lieut. Holloways and Shrewsbury to enquire after and engage Mr. Tucker to come and rectifie our Pump.  He returned from Lieut. Holloway without hearing any Thing of Mr. Tucker.  Mr. Whipples son Jonathan very dangerously ill.  I went to see him.  Mr. Aaron Forbush 2 more Children taken.  N.B. The Distemper mortal at Hopkinton.  Esq. Jones lost Several Children.[1]

[1]Isaac, son of John and Hannah, d. 1736. Jane, dau. of John and Elizabeth, d. Aug. __ 1736 (HVR, 431).

August 25, 1736

1736 August 25 (Wednesday).  David drew up my Pump Hook out of the Pump, which I So Secured to a Pole that it held, but in his Endeavouring to draw up the Pump Box with it, he drew out the Staple from the Box, which put an End to all further Tryal.  P.M. I rode to Shrewsbury in Quest of Mr. Tucker but in Vain for he was not to be heard of.  Returned at Eve.  Water from the Old Well.

August 26, 1736

1736 August 26 (Thursday).  Lent Mr. Rogers my Oxen to fetch his Hay home.  Just after Dinner Mr. Cushing came.  He preached on Ps. 41.4.  Jonathan Whipple who had been at the point of Death, grows better.  Sister Lydia (who went yesterday with Sister Hicks to Cousen Winchesters, and doubtless took Cold) very much indisposed.  Feverish, great pain in her Head and Sore Throat — informed that She did not go to Lecture.

August 30, 1736

1736 August 30 (Monday).  David Baverick cut his Leg, by which he is taken off from my Bus’ness.  Sister Lydia and I rode to Cambridge.  Father Champney remains in a most Sorrowful Condition — almost continually from Home etc. — to the great Distress of his Afflicted Family.  My Daughter Molly had begun to learn her Accidence.  Sister Lydia very much tired with the Journey — more than usual.  I lodged there.