June 29, 1736

1736 June 29 (Tuesday).  No ministers came.  An hot Day.  Church Meeting — see church Records.[1]  Got through our Bus[i]ness in great Peace and Satisfaction.  Besides the Affairs that are upon Record, I made Enquiry of the Church Committee of their Doings with Brother Samuel Fay[2] and his Daughter Tabitha, and reinjoined them to look after that Matter and bring it to Some issue.  Brother Townsend[3] was confirmed a Member, Some having doubted as was pretended, whether he was a Member, being he was not formally declar’d So at his admission.  Discoursed also of Contrabutions for Bapt. Bason etc. 

[1]On June 29, the church considered two matters.  First, the church voted to comply with the request of the Rutland church to “advise and Direct them under their grievous Difficultys” at an ecclesiastical council on July 13 and selected Joseph Wheeler to attend with Parkman.  Second, the church voted its satisfaction with the reasons given by Peres Rice for his failure to join the church of Sutton, to which he had been dismissed; their satisfaction was dependent on Rice’s joining the church in Sutton or in whatever town he might live in (WCR, 41-42).

[2]On March 19, 1734, “Sister Tabitha Fay’s Case was laid before the Church’s Consideration She having been absent from Communion for a Year or Two, or more – being withheld by her husband, Mr. Samuel Fay, on account of our Singing: It was also referred to Consideration whether the Church ought not to fulfill their Duty towards the Said Samuel Fay and Daughter Tabitha Member[s?] of the Church in Marlborough, and though residing with us yet abstaining Year after Year from Communion with us.  The Church Voted that a Committee from the Church Should [33-34] be Sent to the Said Family to Labour with them for a Composition, especially to express the Watch and Care of the church over our Sister Mrs. Fay – The Committee appointed and Sent were Deacon Tomlin, Brother Jonathan Forbes and Brother Joseph Wheeler” (WCR, 33-34).

[3]On July 27, 1735, “Joshua Townsend made Profession of Christianity, was admitted into the Catholic Church and was baptized.  He was also admitted into our Communion” (WCR, 37).