June 19, 1736

1736 June 19 (Saturday).  At Coll. Woods’s a little while in the Morning.  At the Widow Bents and brought from thence 118 Skeins of worstead spun by her out of 6 1/2 pound of Carded Worsted.  Paid at 4d. per skein — and paid her £1.10s in part for her Work.  Hastened home before noon to finish my preparations for the Sabbath but I had written one Exercise wholly and a good part of another and studied the Chief of the matter of it before I went from home.  Hot, parching weather.  Divers persons have been with me this week to be Examined — Eliezer Rice,[1] Hezekiah Pratt,[2] and Rachel wife of Hezekiah Pratt.[3]  Mr. Bowmans wife[4] also came yesterday just when I was mounting my Horse, so I could not finish Examination of her.  N.B. Brother Josiah Newton brought the Petition of 11 Brethren for a Church Meeting on Mr. Peres Rice’s Affair.  Ensign Maynard Stone walling Still.  David finished his Half-hilling and is at work upon the Trough for the N. [W. Corner?] of my [Large?] part of my [House?].

[1]Eliezer Rice did not join the church.

[2]Hezekiah Pratt did not join the church.

[3]Rachel, wife of Hezekiah Pratt, joined the Westborough church on July 11, 1736 (WCR, 43).

[4]Not clear who this was, as there is no record of an admission of a “Mrs. Bowman: at this time.