June 2, 1736

1736 June 2 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring Public Lecture on Act. 15.36.  Mr. Seccomb[1] of Harvard came.  Mr. Ward (Gershom) came in the Name of a Committee from Marlborough to desire us to give Testimony what Mr. Kent[2] appeared to us to be, upon his Examination at Framingham in Oct. [blank] 173[blank].[3]  Which Desire we answered.  I returned from Lancaster with Mr. Cushing and Mr. Peter Smith So far as Shrewsbury, and I lodged there.

[1]John Seccomb (1708-1792), Harvard 1728, minister of Harvard, 1733-1757; Chester, N.S., 1761-1792; SHG, 8:481-90.

[2]Benjamin Kent (1708-1788), Harvard 1727, minister of Marlborough, 1733-1735. SHG 8:220-30.

[3]On October 16, 1733, the Marlborough Association of Ministers met in Framingham: “The Rev. Mr. Swift had invited the Southern Association (which were to have met this Day at his Son’s in Law Mr. Stone’s. of Holliston; by which means we had the Benefit of their Advice and Assistance in the Difficultys before us relating to Mr. Benj. Kents Ordination at Marlborough:  Great Complaints being made about the World, of his Principles — Mr. Kent was present and very freely Submitted hims. to our Enquirys and Examinations — Mr. Loring Interrogated upon the Articles drawn up in the N. Engl. Confession of Fatih — chiefly relating to the Controversie with the Remonstrants etc. And he gave Such a Declaration of his Belief, and with Such professions of Honesty and Sincerity in all, that the Association manifested their Satisfaction therein upon Condition they Should find, that both his Preaching and Conversation had been and Should for the future be agreeable to Such Declaration. In Short, as long as they Should feel that what he had exhibited were his real Sentiments.”  Marlborough Association Records (Ms., First Church of Marlborough), 26-27.