1736 February 29 (Sunday). I preached on Job.[1] P.M. on Matth. 24.44. I Desire to Improve this Sacrament Day in the following manner, viz. 1. I would humbly Confess my Sins before God — Sins in General but especially Such as have provoked the Lord against me in Sending Sickness into my Family (Besides the Sickness of my Family in the Month past, Ebenezer is this Day sick of a Fever again) And Death into my Bosom. And Such Sins as have attended my Mourning — Either Defect, — or Excess. 2. I would committ my Self and my Family unto God, to His more immediate Care and Protection, now we are so much bereaved and deprived of the Care and faithfullness, Constancy and Dexterity of my late wife in Guiding the Family: and O that God would Conduct me in All Things! 3. I would enter into or Confirm Espousals Solemnly unto Christ now that God has taken away the wife of my Bosom from me by His stroke. And now my Dear Wife is deceased I would the more stir up my Faith in a Living Redeemer. O that this might be done truely — and that Christ would please to Accept of me!
4. I would Confirm the Purposes I formed at my Wife’s Funeral.
5. I would stir up my Faith in the Resurrection from the Dead — My own — My Wife’s — And Christs coming and standing upon the Earth in the Latter Day.
[1]Job 19.25, “For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.” Job 19.26, “And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Job 19.27, “Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.”