1736 February 11 (Wednesday). Storm of Snow. Yet Samuel Bumso[1] (Indian) being very ill of a Fever, I went to See him, at the house of Mr. James Fay. I was at Mr. Josiah Newtons[2] in the Eve. Reckoned with him. N.B. he Considered how heavy it was at this Time upon his Pastor (to use his Phrase) and therefore have me back Twenty shillings of his own due <word crossed out>.
[1]Parkman frequently employed Samuel Bumso, whose estate was administered in 1756 (Worcester County Registry of Probate, #8,935).
[2]Josiah Newton served as treasurer, 1735-36, 1748, 1750, 1752-53; DeForest and Bates, Westborough, 469. He joined the Westborough church, Apr. 4, 1725, and was elected deacon in 1738 (WCR, 2, 45-46, 47, 49-50); he d. Feb. 9, 1755 (WVR, 248).