February 3, 1736

1736 February 3 (Tuesday).  This Morning All my Relations (except Sister Ruth) left me, to return to their respective Homes — but I would humbly trust that the omnipresent and allsufficient God Stays with me.  N.B. Ensign Maynard Singularly Friendly all along, and continues so.  P.M. Mr. William Wait of Sutton here; he acquaints me with his Mothers[1] Decease (at Deacon Tomlins[2]) last Sabbath Morn — asks me to the Funeral to morrow.

[1]Widow Reuhamy Wait d. Feb. 1, 1736 (WVR, 255).

[2]Isaac Tomin served as a deacon of the Westborough church from 1727 to 1745; Worthley, Inventory, 658.