January 23, 1736

1736 January 23 (Friday).  A Melancholly House!  My Wife has a Strong burning — and particularly Pluretic Fever, and Lucy very low, in great Danger.  Her pluretic Fever Strong, Cough Straining and in general exceeding weak and Distressed — but Thomme a little more Comfortable and got up to Day, though not yesterday.  Dr. Gott here — my wife was Blooded.  Brother Hicks’s Family ill also — Ruth[1] especialy — Doctor Blooded her.  Hands at work yesterday and to Day clearing the Road that goes South from my House.  A bleak Cold Wind, especialy p.m.  I was very much indisposed at Evening So as that I was not able to watch with my Wife and Child as I had designed but Mrs. Rogers[2] coming in and offering kindly, my wife accepted her offer to watch — but when she was to have returned from her Daughter Townsends[3] her Self, she sent Rebecca Ward[4] in her stead, who, being Such a stranger to the Child, made her So exceedingly uneasy that my wife was obliged to take her, which, cooling and worrying her, it prov’d an unspeakable Dammage to her.  But I was o’Bed, and knew it not at the time of it.

[1]Ruth Hicks, dau. of John and Rebecca Hicks, b. Sept. 19, 1723 (CVR, 1:349).

[2]Mercy Rogers, wife of Parkman’s neighbor, William Rogers.

[3]Susannah, wife of Benjamin Townsend (he was listed by Parkman among the first inhabitants of Westborough; WCR, flyleaf).

[4]Rebecca, dau. of Increase and Ruth Ward, b. Oct. 23, 1708 (MVR, 188).