January 9, 1736

1736 January 9 (Friday).  Bright, Cold Morning.  I visited Stephen Maynard, whom instead of finding a Corps, as was most generally Expected, I perceived was the most strangely altered for the better — his Swelling gone down, his breathing Easy, his Fever low, had Slept well, and the Doctor said he began to Mend while we were at Meeting yesterday in the Afternoon.  Glory be to the Omnipotent and most Gracious God!  Mr. Jonathan Forbush[1] here in the Evening.  Mr. Abner Newton and his wife[2] here — the Latter to be Examined in order to joining to the Church.  Mr. Hezekiah Maynard[3] here also.

[1]Jonathan Forbes or Forbush (1684-1768) “was one of the first to change the name to Forbes”; Walett, 42, n. 18.  He and his wife Hannah were admitted into the Westborough church by dismissal from the church in Marlborough, Apr. 2, 1727; he was elected deacon, June 8, July 13, 1738 (WCR 5, 49-50).

[2]Abner Newton mar. Vashti Eager, Mar. 29, 1731; WVR, 188.  The WVRs, 79, list the birth of their first child, Sarah, on July 19, 1722, but this is undoubtedly in error.  Abner and Vashti Newton had confessed to breaking the Seventh Commandment and owned the covenant, Feb. 3, 1734 (WCR, 33).  She was admitted to the church, Feb. 22, 1736 (WCR, 39). 

[3]Hezekiah, son of John, Jr., and Lidiah Maynard of Marlborough, b. June 17, 1708 (MVR, 125).