January 8, 1736

1736 January 8 (Thursday).[1]  …and Sanctifie his sickness to him, and to all our Youth; that both the Word and Providences of God may be very awakening to them — nay unto all!!  Upon these Heads our publick Prayers were very fervent and importunate.  It was full upon my mind, what a singular favour it would be from Heaven if we might be only threatned, and the End of God answered by the Youth being awakened and Reformed without Gods breaking forth to Destroy us: that is, if the Mighty Power and Goodness of God Should So Sanctifie the Extream Sickness of Stephen Maynard[2] as that both he and others might have the Spiritual Benefit of his being Smitten, and yet his Life Spared.

[1]The first extant page begins with an incomplete entry for January 8.  On January 8, 1736, Parkman preached on 1 Pet. 5:6, “being Public Fast, on account of the Unusual, Mortal Distemper at the Eastward more especially Seizing young persons – N.B. Stephen Maynard of this Town very ill, and we fear of that Distemper.”  1 Peter 5:6, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that her may exalt you in due time.”  Sermon 838-839, Parkman Family Papers (American Antiquarian Society), Box 1, Folder 3.

[2]Stephen, son of Capt. John and Hepzibah Maynard, was bapt. Nov. 20, 1720; MVR, 124.

January 9, 1736

1736 January 9 (Friday).  Bright, Cold Morning.  I visited Stephen Maynard, whom instead of finding a Corps, as was most generally Expected, I perceived was the most strangely altered for the better — his Swelling gone down, his breathing Easy, his Fever low, had Slept well, and the Doctor said he began to Mend while we were at Meeting yesterday in the Afternoon.  Glory be to the Omnipotent and most Gracious God!  Mr. Jonathan Forbush[1] here in the Evening.  Mr. Abner Newton and his wife[2] here — the Latter to be Examined in order to joining to the Church.  Mr. Hezekiah Maynard[3] here also.

[1]Jonathan Forbes or Forbush (1684-1768) “was one of the first to change the name to Forbes”; Walett, 42, n. 18.  He and his wife Hannah were admitted into the Westborough church by dismissal from the church in Marlborough, Apr. 2, 1727; he was elected deacon, June 8, July 13, 1738 (WCR 5, 49-50).

[2]Abner Newton mar. Vashti Eager, Mar. 29, 1731; WVR, 188.  The WVRs, 79, list the birth of their first child, Sarah, on July 19, 1722, but this is undoubtedly in error.  Abner and Vashti Newton had confessed to breaking the Seventh Commandment and owned the covenant, Feb. 3, 1734 (WCR, 33).  She was admitted to the church, Feb. 22, 1736 (WCR, 39). 

[3]Hezekiah, son of John, Jr., and Lidiah Maynard of Marlborough, b. June 17, 1708 (MVR, 125).

January 10, 1736

1736 January 10 (Saturday).  Fine, bright, moderate Weather.  Mr. Eliezer How[1] of Marlborough here to take Counsel respecting his joining to the Church.  Mr. Stephen Fay’s Wife[2] also here upon a like account.  At Eve Mr. Caleb Rice[3] of Marlborough here.

[1]Eleazer How of Marlborough also met with Parkman on June 9 and was admitted to the church, July 11, 1736 (WCR, 43).  The son of Eleazer How, he had been baptized at the Marlborough church, Apr. 11, 1708 (MVR, 98).  On Apr. 29, 1733, Lemuel, the son of Eleazar Junior and Hephzibah How of Marlborough, was baptized, “she being a member of the Church of Christ in Marlborough” (WCR, 32).

[2]Stephen Fay mar. Ruth Child, Mar. 7, 1734.  She was admitted to the church on June 3, 1736; he was admitted on July 18, 1736; and their son John (b. Dec. 23, 1734) was bapt. Aug. 15, 1736 (WCR, 41, 43).  At the time of her admission to the church, Ruth Fay was pregnant with their second child, Jonas, b. Jan. 28, 1737 (WVR, 40).

[3]Caleb Rice (1712-1759), Harvard 1730, son of Deacon Caleb and Mary (Ward) Rice of Marlborough; ordained at Sturbridge, Sept. 29, 1736.  SHG, 8:774-75.

January 12, 1736

1736 January 12 (Monday).  Ebenezer ill about Day-break.  Continues much indisposed with a Fever and Cough.  Mr. Thomas Brigham[1]came to ask me to the Funeral of Mr. Jabez Rice’s infant Child.[2]  Mr. Caleb Rice rode down there with us.  But I rode but little way with the people, I returned because of my son’s illness.  I called at Mr. El: Beemans.[3]  Deborah[4] and Sarah Ward rode up to their Fathers.  The same 12th Day Ensign Maynard[5] brought home a side of Pork, weight 109, from Mr. Hezekiah Maynard of Marlborough.

[1]Either Thomas, son of John and Sarah Brigham, b. May 6, 1687, or Thomas, son of Nathan and Elizabeth Brigham, b. Feb. 22, 1695 (MVR, 46).

[2]Jabez, son of Caleb and Mary Rice, b. Feb. 2, 1702, mar. Hannah Brigham, June 7, 1732 (MVR, 156, 301).  The MVR do not record the birth of a child before 1737.

[3]Eleazer Beeman (d. Nov. 7, 1750) and his wife Hannah (d. Sept. 8, 1782, at the age of 90 (WVR, 228, and EP Diary, Sept. 8, 1782) owned the covenant, Sept. 10, 1727 (WCR, 6), and their son Abraham was bapt.  Both joined the church on Oct. 18, 1741 (WCR, 61).  Parkman listed Beaman among the first inhabitants of Westborough (WCR, flyleaf).

[4]Deborah and Sarah Ward were daughters of Oliver Ward.  Along with their sisters Hannah and Submit, they had owned the covenant and were baptized, May 5, 1734 (WCR, 34).

[5]Stephen Maynard of Westborough.

January 14, 1736

1736 January 14 (Wednesday).  I rode to Marlborough to Dr. Gott’s[1] but he was gone to Sudbury.  Dined at Coll. Woods.[2]  Mr. Rice and Mr. Richardson[3] (preacher at Marlborough) came to the Colonel’s.  They rode to Mr. Stone’s,[4] I rode to Dr. Matthews[5] — but could not git him to go up.  I returned finding Ebenezer coughing Still.  I tended him all night.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Maynard[6] brought me an Hog, of 164 weight which I bargained for some time agoe.  Ebenezer Coughs almost incessantly.

[1]Benjamin Gott of Marlborough (1706-1751) mar. Sarah Breck (1711-1740), Jan. 20, 1728 or Feb. 13, 1729 (MVR, 258).  Sarah’s sister Hannah mar. Ebenezer Parkman, Sept. 1, 1737 (WVR, 194).

[2]Col. Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

[3]Either Isaac Richardson (1705-1748), Harvard 1726, an itinerant schoolmaster and occasional preacher (SHG 8:92-95); or Jabez Richardson (1708-1759), Harvard 1730, itinerant preacher and Woburn schoolmaster (SHG 8:778).

[4]Nathan Stone (1708-1781), Harvard 1726, minister of Southborough, 1730-1781.  SHG, 8:99-105.

[5]John Matthews, physician of Southborough.  On Dec. 19, 1739, Parkman noted that “Dr. Matthews of Southborough, who had been a very usefull Man among the sick for some years, deceas’d, being upward of Eighty years old.”

[6]Daniel Maynard of Marlborough, son of John, Jr., and Lydia Maynard, b. Mar. 16, 1692 (MVR, 125).

January 15, 1736

1736 January 15 (Thursday).  I Sent David Bavrick[1] to Dr. Gott, early in the morning But he could not come up to us: but sent some Remedys.  P.M. Dr. Matthews came to see Ebenezer who was very bad with both Cough and Fever.  N.B. Preces and Lacrymae— towards night he was much Easier and better.  We began to conceive Hopes.  Deborah tended him this Night.  What a present Help is God in Time of Trouble!  What an Hearer of Prayer!  etc.

[1]See March 26, 1736, for David Batherick’s (Parkman spelled the name four ways: Bathrick, Batherick, Baverick, and Bavrick) agreement to work for Parkman.  David Bathrick m. Lydia Maynard, May 12, 1742 (WVR, 120).  On Parkman’s workers, see Ross W. Beales, Jr., “The Reverend Ebenezer Parkman’s Farm Workers, Westborough, Massachusetts,1726-82,” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 99 (1989), 121-49.

January 16, 1736

1736 January 16 (Friday).  Ebenezer continues very ill — but his Fever is abated although his Cough is still continual.  Fine pleasant Weather.  Dr. Gott visited us — fills us with Hopes.  Sister Hicks[1] watched.

[1]Parkman’s sister-in-law, Rebecca Champney, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Champney Hicks, b. Oct. 8, 1703 (CVR, 1:128), mar. John Hicks, May 8, 1721 (CVR, 2:71).

January 18, 1736

1736 January 18 (Sunday).  I preached on Act. 1.7.[1]  God grant us the Grace of Humility, Watchfulness and Diligence, of Fervency also and Prayerfullness, that we may be ready for our Lords Summons, since we know not when the Time will be!  Mr. Joseph Green[2] dined with us.  Ebenezer better still.

[1]Acts 1.7, “And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”

[2]Joseph Green, Parkman’s neighbor.

January 19, 1736

1736 January 19 (Monday).  Rainy — but not Cold.  Almost all the Family indisposed — especially Lucy[1]— but Ebenezer So lively as to be about the Room currently — the Glory be to God our Healer!  At Eve Mr. Bradish,[2] Lieut. Baker,[3] Brother Hicks[4] and Mr. Townsend[5] here, upon the Affair of their Dissatisfaction with Brother Samuel Hardy.[6]  Lucy was So ill that I got up Several Times in the Night.

[1]Lucy, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Parkman, b. Sept. 23, 1734 (WVR, 82).

[2]James Bradish was listed by Parkman among the first inhabitants of Westborough (WCR, flyleaf).

[3]Lt. Edward Baker was one of Westborough’s leading citizens, serving twelve years as moderator and twenty years as selectman; DeForest and Bates, History of Westborough, 465-66.

[4]John Hicks was husband of Rebecca (Champney) Hicks, Parkman’s sister-in-law.

[5]Probably schoolmaster Joshua Townsend, who joined the Westborough church, July 27, 1735 (WCR, 37).  Parkman listed Benjamin Townsend among the first inhabitants of Westborough (DeForest and Bates, History, 46), but Benjamin Townsend was not a church member.

[6]Samuel and Tabitha Hardy joined the Westborough church on Dec. 6, 1730.  On June 6, 1736, “Brother Samuel Hardy offered a Confession for his writing and so being instrumental in uttering forth, divers verses to the Defamation and Reproach of the Committee which the Town had improved to search out who Cut the Pulpit Cusheon, and to the Reproach of divers other persons….  This Confession was read, and he was restored” (WCR, 41).  On Nov. 23, 1735, “Mary Bradish offered a Confession for having composed a paper of Verses of a Scandalous and Calumniating Nature respecting the Committee appointed by the Town (some time since) to Search out who it was Cut the pulpit Cusheon, and tending to defame others also – she was very penitent – but there was some objection made by Several against reading Said Confession to Day, but the Church more generally insisting for it, and the chief objectors yielding, it was read and she was restored” (WCR, 38).  On Nov. 27, “Being Lecture Day Brother Jonathan Forbush offered an acknowledgment to the Church for having inserted unsuitable Expressions in the Resentments he Composed in answer to the injurious and defaming Verses before mentioned, (he being one of the Committee aforesaid) and altho he knew not the Author of Said Verses at the time of his answering them yet afterwards when he came to the knowledge thereof and perceived his own Miscarriage, he made her Satisfaction; and being it was known to divers more who were offended therewith he freely and humbly offered public Satisfaction also: and was accepted” (WCR, 38-39).

January 20, 1736

1736 January 20 (Tuesday).  I rose before Day on Account of little Lucy and rode to Marlborough but Dr. Gott not at home, nor to be seen till noon.  I was at Mr. Hoveys[1] (Schoolmaster) and at Mr. Brown’s[2] (a White Smith) to get my Desk [illegible]ey mended.  Dined with Master Hovey.  Visited Madam Breck.[3]  P.M. returned toward Eve.  The Child very ill; and my wife[4] also much indisposed.  Mr. Whipple,[5] and Mr. Abraham Knowlton[6] here in the Eve.

[1]Ivory Hovey (1714-1803), Harvard 1735, son of Capt. Ivory and Anne (Pingree) Hovey of Topsfield; minister of the Second, or West, Parish of Rochester (later the First Congregational Church of Mattapoisett), 1740-1768, and minister at the Manomet Church, Plymouth, 1770-1803.  SHG, 9:543-48.

[2]Probably James Brown of Marlborough.

[3]Elizabeth (Wainwright) Breck, widow of Rev. Robert Breck (1682-1731), Harvard 1700, minister of Marlborough, 1704-1731.  She d. on June 8, 1736; MVR, 346.  Parkman mar. their daughter Hannah, Sept. 1, 1737.  On Robert Breck, see SHG, 4:515-18.

[4]Mary or Molly (Champney) Parkman, bapt. May 21, 1699 (CVR, 1:126); m. Ebenezer Parkman, July 7, 1724 (CVR 2:71).

[5]Francis Whipple of Westborough.  He and his wife Abigail were dismissed to New Braintree, July 19, 1778 (WCR, 178).

[6]Abraham Knowlton of Shrewsbury.

January 21, 1736

1736 January 21 (Wednesday).  A sick House — Lucy very bad and my Wife taken very ill of a fever.  Mr. N. Stone visited me.  Dr. Gott here.  My wife took a vomit.  Jotham Maynard[1] very kind, in taking Care of the Creatures, Errands etc.  <Two words crossed out.>

[1]Jotham Maynard, b. May 29, 1714, son of David and Hannah Maynard (MVR, 125); mar. Abihail Allen, June 19, 1740 (WVR, 182).

January 22, 1736

1736 January 22 (Thursday).  Capt. Eager[1] with his Team and Neighbour Nathaniel Oake[2] and his Team, Neighbour Ephraim Allen,[3] Jacob Rice, Caruth,[4] Russel,[5] Jesse Brigham,[6] Thomas Goodenow[7] and Jonathan Flagg[8] here and got me to the Door 19 Load of wood.  It was a valuable Kindness nor is it any ways to be thought light of, but it was at such a Season of our Illness and Engagedness to tend the ill and sick, that it was a Considerable Trouble at this Juncture.  I had sister Hicks to tend the Sick etc. a.m. and part p.m. and then Mrs. Hephzibah Maynard[9] p.m. and Eve and she watched also.  My wife very ill and keeps her Bed; but especially LucyThomme[10] did not get up to Day <word crossed out> his pains in his Ears but little abated — And he has no Stomach.  At Evening David to Dr. Gott.

[1]James Eager was b. in Marlborough, Sept. 21, 1686, son of William and Lidiah Eager (MVR, 65; d. June 7, 1755, a. 69 y. 8 m. 12 d. in Northborough (NVR, 133).

[2]Nathaniel Oake (or Oakes) was listed by Parkman among the first inhabitants of Westborough (WCR, flyleaf). 

[3]Ephraim Allen and his wife Susannah were admitted to the Westborough church on May 19, 1728.  He was dismissed to the north precinct, May 4, 1746 (WCR, 14-15, 75).

[4]Either John or William Caruth.

[5]Josiah Russell.

[6]Jesse Brigham and his wife Bethiah owned the covenant, Aug. 15, 1736.  Bethiah Brigham was admitted to the church, July 11, 1742, and dismissed to the north precinct, Aug. 21, 1746 (WCR,43, 63, 77).

[7]Thomas Goodenow mar. Persis Rice of Marlborough, Apr. 17, 1734 (WVR, 160).  Thomas and Persis Goodenow owned the covenant and their daughter Persis was bapt., May 18, 1735 (WCR, 37).

[8]Jonathan Flagg.  His wife Eunice was admitted into the church by dismissal from West Waterton, Oct. 1, 1732 (WCR, 31-32).

[9]Hephzibah Maynard, wife of John Maynard.  When Mrs. Maynard died, Parkman recalled her as a woman of remarkable Diligence and Skill in Family Affairs; and very compassionate and bountifull to the Poor; a Very Serviceable person in the Neighbourhood, and gave ready Assistance to all who Sought to her.  She was in a peculiar Manner liberal and helpful to Me and Mine at all times.”  (Parkman diary, Oct. 20, 1757).

[10]Thomas, son of Ebenezer and Mary Parkman, b. July 3, 1729 (WVR, 83).

January 23, 1736

1736 January 23 (Friday).  A Melancholly House!  My Wife has a Strong burning — and particularly Pluretic Fever, and Lucy very low, in great Danger.  Her pluretic Fever Strong, Cough Straining and in general exceeding weak and Distressed — but Thomme a little more Comfortable and got up to Day, though not yesterday.  Dr. Gott here — my wife was Blooded.  Brother Hicks’s Family ill also — Ruth[1] especialy — Doctor Blooded her.  Hands at work yesterday and to Day clearing the Road that goes South from my House.  A bleak Cold Wind, especialy p.m.  I was very much indisposed at Evening So as that I was not able to watch with my Wife and Child as I had designed but Mrs. Rogers[2] coming in and offering kindly, my wife accepted her offer to watch — but when she was to have returned from her Daughter Townsends[3] her Self, she sent Rebecca Ward[4] in her stead, who, being Such a stranger to the Child, made her So exceedingly uneasy that my wife was obliged to take her, which, cooling and worrying her, it prov’d an unspeakable Dammage to her.  But I was o’Bed, and knew it not at the time of it.

[1]Ruth Hicks, dau. of John and Rebecca Hicks, b. Sept. 19, 1723 (CVR, 1:349).

[2]Mercy Rogers, wife of Parkman’s neighbor, William Rogers.

[3]Susannah, wife of Benjamin Townsend (he was listed by Parkman among the first inhabitants of Westborough; WCR, flyleaf).

[4]Rebecca, dau. of Increase and Ruth Ward, b. Oct. 23, 1708 (MVR, 188).

January 24, 1736

1736 January 24 (Saturday).  My Wife very ill, by means of her being so exceedingly exposed last night with the Child — Fever upon her very bad — grows worse — p.m. sent David Baverick to Cambridge to inform our Relations <there?>, of my wife’s illness and of Brother Hicks’s Daughter Ruth’s, who was sick of the Same Fever: and to wait upon sister Ruth Champney[1] hither.  My Wife was in great Distresses in the Eve and night — is perswaded she Shall die of this Sickness.  She was in many Terrors at the Apprehension of the wrath of God [especially?] in the same night She told me she heard fine singing of Psalm Tunes, and Supposed it to be heavenly Musick.  About midnight she was So exceeding bad that I (having no body in the house but Deborah to assist us, and She taken up with the Young Child, I) ran to Ensign Maynards and requested him to go or Send to Marlborough forthwith to bring up Dr. Gott.  He sent Jotham; and Mrs. Maynard came up <word crossed out> to my Wife.  She fetched her Breath exceeding Short — and difficultly worried out the Night.

[1]Ruth Champney, dau. of Samuel and Hannah, b. Jan. 16, 1708 (CVR 1:128), sister of Mary Parkman, sister-in-law of Ebenezer Parkman.

January 25, 1736

1736 January 25 (Sunday).  In the Morning Dr. Gott came up to see my Wife.  She was considerably easier, cooler and better.  I could not go to Meeting, a.m.  I sent Dr. Colmans Parable of the Ten Virgins,[1] and directed to the Sermon on v. 6, which was read.  P.M. I was more composed and I went to worship.  Repeated a Sermon on Job 22.21.[2]  My wife in a more hopefull way.  Mr. Jonathan Forbush’s wife[3] staid with us.  The Doctor does not know but that the Fever is at the height.  We undertake to wean the Child.[4]

[1]Benjamin Colman, Practical Discourses upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins (London, 1707). Colman (1673-1747), Harvard 1691, was minister of Boston’s Brattle Square Church, 1699-1747.  SHG 4:120-37.

[2]Job 22.21, “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.”

[3]Jonathan Firbush m. Hannah Holloway, ____, ___ [1705 or 1706]; she d. Nov. 17, 1756 (MVR, 252; Parkman diary, Nov. 18, 1756).  She served as a midwife (with Parkman first referring to her as “Granny,” Dec. 17, 1738).

[4]See Ross W. Beales, Jr., “Nursing and Weaning in an Eighteenth-Century New England Household,” in Peter Benes, ed., Families and Children (The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, Annual Proceedings, 1985; Boston: Boston University, 1987), 48-63.

January 26, 1736

1736 January 26 (Monday).  My Wife grows very restless again; Fever comes on.  Ensign Maynard to Dr. Gott, and brought him up.  She grew very bad.  Sister Ruth came up.  Mrs. Furbush went home.  The Doctor staid all night.  Sister Ruth and I sat up to Watch.  My wife was much put to it to get over the Night, yet through Divine Favour she did, and we were much Comforted with having the Doctor in the House with us.  The Doctor was of Opinion that the Fever had not Intermissions but Remissions only — thought that it was not at the height before, yet Surely it was at a Crisis now; nor would she, he believed have any more Such troublesome nights.  The Child Suddenly takes to Deborah!  I marked This!

January 27, 1736

1736 January 27 (Tuesday).  The Doctor went home.  My Wife a pritty comfortable Day.  Hopes bloom that she will recover, by Divine Favour.  Mr. Cushing[1] visited us and prayed with us.  Jemima Lee watched with my wife, and Deborah with the Child in the Cradle.  Mrs. Parkman slept very sound and Seemingly very Comfortable — the Child also but a little Trouble, and I hope in a good way of Recovery.

[1]Job Cushing (1694-1760), Harvard 1714, minister of Shrewsbury, 1723-1760.  SHG 6:45-46. 

January 28, 1736

1736 January 28 (Wednesday).  I can’t but be of Opinion that my Wife’s Fever has regular Intermissions, for now it comes on again, and with considerable Force, but relying upon the Doctor’s Judgment I sent to him for Drugs and sent her Water;[1] but did not Send for him to come up, tho’ I repented Afterwards that I did not; for her Fever increased extreamly as the Day got up.  I Sent by Brother Hicks, whose Daughter Ruth lies also very ill yet.  Capt. Forbush very neighbourly and kind, and his wife here p.m.  The Doctor Sends word that he can’t but hope the worst is over, but it was far other wise — indeed whilst she Saw the Light of the Day, She Said it helped her to bear up under her Distresses; but O when the Dark of Night Should come — how terrible it would be!  In Truth, She had reason to fear it, for her Fever increased yet more and more upon her.  Jotham Maynard came to assist me <word crossed out> — and to go for Mrs. Forbush (Mr. Jonathan’s wife).  No sooner did the Evening come on, but my Dear spouse grew worse and I ran down to Mrs. (Hephzibah) Maynard — though it was stormy — she came up with me and Mrs. Forb. was come — my wife very low indeed!  Said she to me, My Dear, You Are bereaved!  About 9 o’Clock we applyed a Young Fowl to her Feet — but about 1/2 after Ten were obliged to take it off — and Death seemed after a while to be making advances.  She could not Swallow, but Spurted out whatever was given her.  I asked her whether She was wholly free from those Terrors she had on Saturday Night?  She answered not wholly free from them but She various ways expressed her Hopes — For upon my Saying that I trusted She was rejoicing in Hope of the Glory of God; She Replyed, she hoped So.  And when Brother Hicks came to see her (about midnight) and her Mouth was ever now and then in a Sort of Convulsive Shaking and quivering, she said to him, I am in the Jaws of Death.  I asked her whether she said the Joys of Death?  She told me she hoped so likewise.  At one Time, after great Stillness, she very solemnly said, Dust thou art — At another Time upon giving her Some Drops and Water to lay her parching Thirst, and my wishing that she might Drink of the River of the Water of Life; She answered presently, I long to be at it — She grew a little better again Sometime after midnight took her Medicines, Cordial etc. etc. Swallowed ‘em, and fell into a pleasant Nap, in which she slept for a Considerable Time.  But when she awaked again her Fever rose exceedingly, insomuch as she burnt inexpressibly.  (I had asked her whether she could give her Testimony to the Truth of the Christian Religion and to the Expediency and usefullness of waiting upon Ordinances.  Her answer was, that we could do no better.  And as I was at another time looking upon her in her dying Distresses and Saying “who would not be moved by this to improve Every Day and Every Hour” — She answered Every Moment.  At another Time I asked her to pray for me and the Children with this dying Breath.  She replyed I doGod be Mercifull to you, and to them, and to you all.  Several Times She said earnestly — Come, Lord Jesus, Come quickly; Why So long a coming?  Some of the last Things I heard her Say I think were — My Dear! — My Dear Lucy!)

[1]On the analysis of urine, see Parkman’s Commonplace Book (ms., Massachusetts Historical Society).

January 29, 1736

1736 January 29 (Thursday).  When the Fever came upon her so violently (as abovesaid) her Breath grew extreamly and extraordinary quick, and her heart beat wonderfully — at length one Breath (through extream quickness) was confounded into another, and that brought on her dying agonys; which were very bitter and dreadfull — in these she lay till about Six in the Morning; and then she departed![1]  Even the wife of my Covenant — the wife of my Bosom, — the wife of my youth, and the Desire of my Eyes, was taken away by the stroke of Death!  Mrs. Forbush and Mrs. Maynard layd her out.  P.M. Capt. Eager here.  Lieut. Holloway[2] and Mr. Francis Whipple went to Cambridge and Boston.  I Sent Letters to Lancaster, Sudbury, Shrewsbury, Hopkinton, and Southborough.  Mr. Prentice[3] of Grafton came in at Evening.  A most Melancholly House of Mourning! 

[1]Mary Parkman d. Jan. 29, 1736 (WVR, 250).

[2]Lt. William Holloway (d. Jan. 6, 1760, a. 70 y., 6 m., 21 d.; NVR, 139) of the north side of Westborough.  He and his wife Mary had owned the covenant at Marlborough; WCR, May 2, 1725.  Mary Holloway was admitted to the Westborough church, Sept. 8, 1728 (WCR, 18).  She d. Mar. 9, 1788, in 94th yr. (NVR 139).

[3]Solomon Prentice (1705-1773), Harvard 1727, minister of Grafton, 1731-1747, Easton, 1747-1755, and Hull, 1768-1772.  SHG, 8:248-57.

January 31, 1736

1736 January 31 (Saturday).  Capt. Warrin, Capt. Eager, etc. here.  Mr. Abijah Bruce[1] and his wife[2] here.  Being that Mr. Prentice[3] of Lancaster sends word that he can’t preach tomorrow Neighbour Bruce offered to go over to Hopkinton, which he did to entreat Mr. Barretts[4] help on the approaching Sabbath, but still it was ineffectuall.  At Eve, Father and Mother Champney,[5] Sister Lydia,[6] Brother Elias,[7] Samuel[8] and Alexander Parkman,[9] and Cousen Richard Champney[10] came up — The four last lodged at Ensign Maynards.

But Alas! for me and my bereaved House!  God be mercifull to me a Sinner!  Lord!  What wouldst thou have me to do?  Show me I pray thee wherefore thou Contendest with Me!  And turn from the Fierceness of thine Anger that we perish not!

[1]Abijah Bruce (1693-1774) m. Mary Woods, Jan. 14, 1719 (MVR, 234).  Habijah [sic] and Mary were admitted to the Westborough Church, June 8, 1729 (WCR, 19).

[2]Mary (Woods) Bruce (1687-1775) had owned the covenant in Marlborough. Habijah [sic] and Mary were admitted to the Westborough Church, June 8, 1729 (WCR, 19).

[3]John Prentice (1682-1748), Harvard 1700, minister of Lancaster, 1708-1748.  SHG 4:529-32.

[4]Samuel Barrett (1700-1772), Harvard 1721, minister of Hopkinton, 1724-1772.  SHG 6:428-32.

[5]Parkman’s father- and mother-in-law, Samuel and Hannah Champney of Cambridge.

[6]Lydia Champney, Mary Parkman’s sister, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Champney, b. Jan. 4, 1706 (CVR, 1:127).

[7]Parkman’s brother, Elias.

[8]Parkman’s brother, Samuel.

[9]Parkman’s brother, Alexander.

[10]Richard Champney, son of Daniel Champney, bapt. Nov. 23, 1707 (CVR, 1:126).