1782 June 18 (Tuesday). I rode to Mr. Bridge’s, East-Sudbury, it being the Time of our Association. Mr. Bridge prayed at the Beginning and I did it at the concluding of the Meeting. Mr. Whitney asks the Association to meet Next at his House. Then riding to my son Williams and passing over a Bridge near one Mr. Ephraim Abbots, my Horse took a bad Fright, Set to running — and, threw me off, wounded my Head, tore my Cloths, my Coat and Jacket especially. But Mrs. Abbot, and her son, were very kind. The latter (when the Storm of Thunder and Rain which arose at that time was over) took his Horse and rode with me a good part of the Way to Williams where I arrived and lodged Safely. Am informed that the [Excellent?] Capt. Charles Miles is Sorrowfully sunk into Melancholly and Dullness — as his Brothers were. O that God would bless to me the Great Favour I enjoy in having my Understanding and May it please Him to continue — But would [?] beg His almighty Grace to improve Life, Reason and the Gospel, while I enjoy them.