1782 May 1 (Wednesday). Was obliged to make a Visit to Mr. George Andrews, who is Treasurer; and dined there: but he could pay me no money. Mr. Moreton of Hopkinton here to Settle our Leather Account.
Month: May 1782
May 2, 1782
1782 May 2 (Thursday). I was in Expectation of Mr. D. Grosvenor to preach my Lecture but he did not come. I was obliged to preach my Self. It was on Mat. 26.48. Few at Meeting. May God graciously accept [and?] bless what was delivered! Mr. Joseph Grout brought me a Number of Papers from his sister Adams, and left them but I did not care to read ‘em.
May 3, 1782
1782 May 3 (Friday). Jejun. Mrs. P________ is so afflicted with Head-Ach that she can’t go to Ashburnham, as She proposed. Applys Blister and Pultice.
May 4, 1782
1782 May 4 (Saturday). Capt. Clapp of Northampton (according to a Letter from Elias to his Brothers Breck and Brigham) Calls here to take an Horse and lead up to Northampton, that Elias may come home. Saddle Bags are sent likewise. Mrs. P________ lays aside her designed Journey to Ashburnham. At Eve receive a welcome Letter from Mr. Cushing of his Wife’s safe Deliverance, this Day se’nnight, of a Daughter; who next day was baptized Mary: and we are informed also that my son Alexanders Wife has some Weeks since brought forth a Son — and May God graciously perfect His Goodness; and May their Offspring prove great Blessings!
May 5, 1782
1782 May 5 (Sunday). Preached (as I could) the Substance of the latter Sermon on 1 Cor. 11.20, last Clause, “This is not to eat the Lords supper.” I administered the Lord’s Supper. Neither Squire Baker, nor Mr. D. Adams there. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. preached on Rom. 1.18, last Clause, “who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness.” At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life: and prayed.
May 6, 1782
1782 May 6 (Monday). Mr. Brigham setts out for Boston. Mr. Eliakim Morse here and dines with us; and was glad to receive him. Towards Evening came in Breck, introducing to my great Surprize, my Son Ebenezer, from Crom Pond in York State.
May 7, 1782
1782 May 7 (Tuesday). P.M. Col. Cyprian How and Col. Blackden were here, and gave me an Account of the Robbery at Marlborough between last Saturday night and Sabbath morning at Col. Blackdens store. N.B. Among Suspected Person who were (by Col. Jonathan Ward and Col. Wood) examined Several Men, and there were two women who being of ill fame, were found (particularly one of them) in bad scituation with a Negro Man — yet was She very Bold and impudent — etc. etc. The Colonels first named had been at Grafton, on the Affair of Search after the Thieves, but without Success. They returned to Marlborough.
May 8, 1782
1782 May 8 (Wednesday). Mr. John Holland (now of North Shrewsbury) came in to See me. My Son tarrys with me. He gives me distinct Account of his dwelling at Crom-Pond, at Rev. Mr. Samuel Sackett’s, the aged Minister in that Place, and the Miserys the people there undergo, by many inimical Villains who infest them.
May 9, 1782
1782 May 9 (Thursday). Mr. Merriam of Ashburnham (Hatter) here, and dines with us. I wrote to Mr. Cushing about Ebenezers Affairs (his Bond to Squire Culwell at Barre especially) and forwarding (if I can) his going with Ebenezer (when he shall go to Barre) and assist him what [ever?] he may be able to. But did not send it as yet. Mr. Brigham returns at Night — brings a Letter from Mr. Moore and accompanying it is a Packet containing Several Numbers further of Mr. Samuel Wests Exphiations of the Prophecys, No. [blank] and [blank].
May 10, 1782
1782 May 10 (Friday). Ebenezer is still with us and ingeniously mends my wooden Case for my Watch.
May 11, 1782
1782 May 11 (Saturday). I endeavour to prepare sermon, which I have heretofore begun — but am not able to accomplish it, by reason of the impairs of my sight.
May 12, 1782
1782 May 12 (Sunday). I chose to preach a. and p.m. on Rom. 3.24. Cousin Maynard dines at Brecks. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavels Fountain of Life, sermon 37. May God forgive what has been amiss and bless His holy Institutions!
May 13, 1782
1782 May 13 (Monday). It proves a very wet season; but Sundry of our Younger Folks ride up to Shrewsbury. My son Ebenezer goes with Miss Mindwell Brigham and her Brother Josiah. Miss Mindwell consults Mr. Sumner in her Trouble and Temptations. I read part of Shuckfords Vol. 2 of Connection of Antient sacred and prophetic History.
May 14, 1782
1782 May 14 (Tuesday). I rode to Squire Bakers about my Cattle’s Summering; that is, when they must go. Went round to the sawmill. Was at Mr. John Maynards and Newtons. At Old Mr. Pratts and Thaddeus Warrins. Mr. Joseph Kilburne (preacher at Southborough) made me a Visit — dined here, and was detained by the Rain till near Night. Mrs. Adams (Daniels Wife) visits me and opens horrible Scenes of her Husbands abuses. I return to her (unread) the Papers of Witnesses, which were brought me by Mr. Joseph Grout. Mrs. [blank] Morse came to be examined. At Eve Mr. Kilburne returned to Southborough. N.B. Mr. Brigham has been to Rutland — and went to Squire Caldwell’s at Barre on an Affair of my Son Ebenezers and returned this Evening.
May 15, 1782
1782 May 15 (Wednesday). Ebenezer and I break fast at Brecks. Miss Mindwell Brigham still with us. The Return which Mr. Brigham has made from Squire Colwell, gives Ebenezer Some Satisfaction, by the Lenity he manifests. N.B. The Neighbourhood are Alarmed at Eve, by Nanny Beeton’s running away, and can’t be found.
May 16, 1782
1782 May 16 (Thursday). This Morning, after a Stormy, wet and dark Night, she is discovered at Mr. Fessendens. Breck goes to Worcester for the News papers: But The Stormy, wet, dark Weather continues from Day to Day: Yet Good News from England of the hopeful Signs of Accommodation — that the Parliament is more disposed to Peace. D.G.
May 17, 1782
1782 May 17 (Friday). Town Meeting to choose a Representative. Lt. Hananiah Parker is elected.
May 18, 1782
1782 May 18 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer leaves us to go to Ashburnham. I sent a Letter by him to Mr. Cushing concerning him, and concerning Mr. Sanford. Have heard that Deacon Hawes is promoted to be a Justice of Peace. Mr. Cornelius Biglow here, with a Letter from Mr. Forbes of Gloucester, dated Apr. 26. Capt. Morse was here, with Request that I would propose to the Congregation to sing five Times on the Sabbath — he Says it is the Desire of the Singers and others — particularly Mr. Jonathan Batherick, Capt. Fisher, etc. But Mr. Biglow as soon as he understood what Capt. Morse had desired, vehemently Opposed it. But I considered him as very little among us; of Sudden and violent passions, and not little meddling with the Affairs of this people or much regarded if he did. The weather has been so cold and wet this Week that little could be done about planting. Mr. Solomon Miller was here accidentally, and was improved to kill a Calf for me.
May 19, 1782
1782 May 19 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Rom. 3.24, and finished on that Subject. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. I publickly mentioned the Desire of the Singers and others, to begin the Publick Worship with Singing: and prayed the Congregation to assemble Earlier. At Evening Polly Scott was Suddenly taken ill, and fell into a terrible Fitt — striving violently for a long time. May God pity her and Sanctifie so Strange Convulsions, to all of us! Breck and Pamela sit up.
May 20, 1782
1782 May 20 (Monday). Polly Scott is ill here, and has a Fitt about noon, and another nigh Night. Dr. Hawes visits her. Her Father and Mother came. They watch with her.
May 21, 1782
1782 May 21 (Tuesday). I wrote to Mr. Quincy. A Letter came from Elias at Northampton, dated the 7th. Polly has another Fitt. P.M. Elias himself came from Northampton but last from Brookfield. With him came Mr. [blank] Kingsley of Northampton and Daughter Martha, who lodge here. Mr. Francis Whipple here informs that Venerable Old Mr. Benjamin Ruggles of New Braintry dyed lately: and at Eve I am informed of the Death of Rev. and aged Mr. Abijah Weld of Attleboro. This last was pritty Sudden after a Journey. May God prepare me for His holy Will!
May 22, 1782
1782 May 22 (Wednesday). Mr. Kingsley and Daughter go on their Journey. Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. Mr. Samuel Noyce carrys my Hatt to Watertown. Mr. William More, an Acquaintance of Elias’s came, has two notable Horses — Lodges here. Polly has had Three Fitts.
May 23, 1782
1782 May 23 (Thursday). Polly Scott remains in a Weak, afflicted Condition. Kept her Bed chiefly — has another Fit this forenoon. Mr. Moore goes away with his Horses. Mr. Scott to see his Daughter. P.M. attend the Burial of Mr. Jonathan Maynards Infant. In the Evening Solemnized the Marriage of Isaac Ruggles and Hephzibah Parker. After which I was hurried away to Capt. Jonas Brigham’s, who has been raising a Barn — from the upper part of which a Young Man has fallen to the Ground and tis feared his Death is Nigh. I am requested to make all Haste to him. When I arrived the young man was reviv’d and complained only his Wrists, which were bruised and strained — a Marvellous Deliverance. God be praised and magnifyed! I gave Thanks and prayed with him and the people who were there. The Young Man was John, son of Mr. Seth Woods: aged about 19 Years. I lodged there.
May 24, 1782
1782 May 24 (Friday). The People flock together to Capt. Jonas Brighams, to finish the Raising of the Barn, which was broke off by the Sad Accident above mentioned. This Addition to the former Barn makes the whole Barn about 105 feet long. Capt. Brigham rode with me to visit Ensign Snow who is brought very low. I conversed and prayed with him and took leave of him. Capt. Brigham was so very kind as to wait upon me home: which I can’t but take a grateful Notice of. Deacon Chamberlain of Worcester calls to See me, and dines with us. He informs me that Mr. Maccarty has undertaken to ride to Boston, but that aged, venerable Dr. Stephen Williams of Springfield, is dangerously ill. At night Mr. Brigham returns home and — brings me an handsome Cap, from my son Samuel.
May 25, 1782
1782 May 25 (Saturday). Reviewing Discourses which with Corrections, Alterations and Additions may be fit for Use again.
May 26, 1782
1782 May 26 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Chron. 15.2. Which may God bless to us all for our saving Benefit! Miss Polly Howard dined here. Mr. Brigham at Evening read the latter part of Mr. Flavells Sermon 38 on Isa. 53.2.
May 27, 1782
1782 May 27 (Monday). Dr. Hall of Sutton, going to Boston, calls here.
May 28, 1782
1782 May 28 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing and his son Henry came this Morning from Mr. Whitneys (yesterday from Ashburnham). He leaves Henry here and proceeds to Southborough. Mr. Brigham and Elias after Dinner (1/2 after 2 p.m.) Sat out for Watertown. Old Mr. Gersho[m?] Fay visits me. I went out to see the workmen whom Capt. Maynard has employed in building Wall, and to give them their sort of Treat. They were [blank] Adams and William Pierce.
May 29, 1782
1782 May 29 (Wednesday). May God be with His people this Day in the Exercise of their invaluable Libertys; and with his Servant Adams in his Preaching the Election Sermon, and grant an happy Event! Breck is moving the Stables, Granary and necessary Office that he may prepare the ground for his building an House (I having given him a Deed of [blank] Rods of Land next to the Meeting House, for that Purpose).
May 30, 1782
1782 May 30 (Thursday). Mr. Alexander Parkman Davis made me a Visit — lodged here, as did Miss Patty Fish and Miss Polly Howard.
May 31, 1782
1782 May 31 (Friday). My Kinsman Davis left us. Mrs. Lydia Morse was here with her Relation. Dr. Hall returning from Boston calls here. I talk with him about Mr. Sanford. Says that Mr. Sanford is of Opinion that is [sic] the Author of Sin, as He is of Poison in a Serpent. P.M. Mr. Brigham returns home — brings me a Letter from Mr. Quincy, dated the 23d instant — and informs that Mr. Maccarty preached to the Convention, that Isaac Baldwin of Cambridge is Sick of a Fever etc. etc. Mr. Brigham brings me also from Mr. Moore a Copy of Judge Sullivans Letter to Mr. West; and an old Piece of Dr. C. Mather on Witchcraft etc. He has, moreover, bought me another Chrystal to my Watch.